Saturday, February 16, 2008

Writing 102 Sat., Feb. 16

Instructor went over the difference between primary sources and secondary sources. She showed a website where students can conduct primary research by doing a questionnaire online. The questionnaire tabulates the responses.

Instructor went over ways to write support into the research paper:
  1. summary
  2. paraphrase
  3. direct quote
  4. indirect quote

The class then went to the library computer lab where Letitia showed how she exported her works cited into Microsoft Word.

The class then worked on citations in NoodleBib.

During the last half hour, student wrote one summary and one paraphrase from their research.

The class returned to L314 where the instructor took the students' Point 1 and Annotated Bibliography. She also took the summary and paraphrase that the students did in the lab.

Next week students are to write Point 2.

Because students did not have the poetry lecture, the instructor put off the poetry quiz for one week. The new quiz date is March 15.

Another item unfinished was short sentences from Lukeman. The short sentences writing exercise will be done next week. Students should be sure to have their original long sentence with them, classified in the notebook under "class exercises."