We filled out an alphabetical roster and each student will get a copy of colleagues' contact information.
We passed out new syllabi that have the schedule of activities and assignments. Throw out old ones.
Schedule of Reading & Activities date is for Thursdays; should be for Tuesdays. Instructor's mistake.
Instructor explained the research paper (semester-long project) to the class. Each person read the theories and made a choice for their paper.
Each student is to get 10 sources on her or his topic for next week. Eventually these sources will become an annotated bibliography, which is why all information from where the source came from should be kept.
Google part of assignment: Up to three. Put in theory and add "Wiki" at the end. Write brief summary. Keep URL. Five to six summary sentences on each source.
E-journal portals: No article requirement due to search (title) peculiarities. Try it, see what you get. UCC->Library->Database->Article->E-journal portals browse (upper right) ->journalism and communication->Communications & Mass Media-->Search
J-Stor: Balance of articles should come from here or E-journal portal. Library ->databases->social science->sociology or psychology-J-Stor->search. Browse articles for what interests you. Save citations.