Students should bookmark these sites:
All Students in 101, 102, and 1402:
Persuasive Topics List
Writing 101 students:
Assignment Sheet for Argument and Persuasion
Sources Worksheet for Argument and Persuasion paper (due Oct. 31)
You will need this link for various grammar exercises. Hacker.
About our textbook author, Cheryl Glenn. Text web site for Making Sense.
Student blogs.
Writing 102 students:
Literary Works:
How to Read a Poem (.rtf file)
Page 1416 (How to Explicate a Poem)
"Do Not Go Gentle"
Project Gutenberg
Short Story Index
Academy of American Poets
Selected Shorts
Noah Lukeman's A Dash of Style
Grammar exercises, usage guide, MLA (& other) style guide: Hacker
Speech 1402 students:
Group Symposium: China files 1; China files 2
Maybe: My Communications Lab
Speech topics.