REMINDER: Thursday, Sept. 27, we will be at the library learning how to use electronic databases. The room is L-141. Go directly to the library.
What we did in class on Thursday, 9/20:
Instructor passed out list of presentation dates through the end of the term.
URL for presentation dates:
Instructor showed how to document using MLA citation. We will also learn APA and use APA for the persuasive speech.
Students learned how to document in the outline (internal citation).
Instructor showed how to do a Works Cited page.
Students broke down into five groups for the symposiums.
Students were assigned an annotated bibliography that will be due on 9/27. The "I Am" paper will be due at the upcoming Tuesday class.
Students should have their outlines ready to show the instructor when they arrive next Thursday. In addition, they will turn in the annotated bibliography at that time.
At our upcoming Tuesday class, the instructor will demonstrate how to do an MLA online citation. Be sure to have the worksheet that was given in today's class. It should be put in your notebook under "Style Guide."