Friday, September 21, 2007


Friday, Sept. 21

To do for next class:

Continue reading at for the genre topic for paper

What we did in class today:

Poetry assignment. The instructor gave out a one-page assignment and an evaluation sheet. The instructor will post the poetry file and also e-mail it.

Genre selection is due by next Wednesday. If students want to be assured of their genre, they should mail their selection to the instructor and it will be posted on a spreadsheet. The link will be featured here and on the links post. You can get to the links post by putting "links" in the search blog feature above.

Reviewed Ch. 1 in Lukeman, where the value of short and long sentences was discussed.
Class exercise: wrote a sentence that went for half of a page. The punctuation marks that can be used to extend sentences are: ; ; , and --. Ellipsis may also be used in a limited fashion to indicate omission.

Topic selection for research paper was submitted. Instructor will advise on topic next week. We will also be learning ohow to do an annotated bibliography next week.