Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Attn: 101 and 102 Students

8 a.m. 101: In the very last section of the notebook, the notebook handout says to put in two categories, "Research Paper" and "Literary." Do not make these categories. Instead, make one category for this second section. It should be called "Rhetorical Forms."

102: Dylan Thomas thesis statements will be posted here (after 5 p.m.) for the desperate. All papers for this class will be due on Wednesdays

Note: 102 students in need of a thesis statement: I cannot find the Dylan Thomas thesis statements and will have to search hard copies.

102 students will also receive the file called "How to Read a Poem" by 9 p.m. this evening. The email list is not complete so I will be sending the "Poem" file later this evening.