The instructor returned and later picked up the writing sample. She gave students feedback on their writing and she also explained the corrections (CRX) policy. See p. 224 of Lester for a CRX marking table.
We broke up into pairs (dyads) and students interviewed each other and we then did paired introductions. The instructor taught a technique for remembering people's names.
After doing the paired introductions, we worked on two drama questions. The answers were turned into the instructor.
We then went to the computer lab where the instructor explained to students how to do an Annotated Works Cited. In addition, students were asked to work on a research topic and do their 10 citations on their topic. Students are to come to class next week with 10 Annotated Works Cited, which includes five scholarly journals. The instructor showed students where to obtain scholarly journals.
Do 10 sources in the MLA format Annotated Works Cited
under each source is a brief paragraph telling what is in the magazine article, journal, radio clip, or whatever source it is.
Use internet and Lester Ch 11
Drama reading
Commas: Introductory clauses
Feedback on writing samples
Ch. 1, Lester