Monday, November 7, 2011

Writing102 MWF 9:05 a.m.

Friday, Nov. 11

We had one poetry presentation.

 Wed., Nov. 9

Copy and paste your sentences at this link.

 Monday, Nov. 7:

We went over the following research paper deadlines:

Nov. 16th:  bring in all three points. We will add transitions during our session in the lab.
Nov. 21:  Write introduction in class (poetry roundtables that day, so this will be brief)
Nov. 23:  Write conclusion in class
Dec. 7:  Write titles and subtitles in class

We had two poetry roundtables:  anaphora and Negritude.

To Do for Next Class:

Bring any papers that you have turned in and that have been returned. We will be choosing sentences from them and adding them to one document.  If you don't have any, it is likely some will be returned to you.