Sat.. Mar. 5, 2011
The instructor announced there would be five Class Participation Points deducted from students who leave class outside of break time.
She also asked students to come early to print out their papers. People need to be in the classroom by 9 a.m. to begin class.
First we did peer readings where students read each other's Pt. 1. There are CPPs given for commenting and reading. Students received their Pt. 1 back with feedback.
Next we did a summary and paraphrase worksheet. The instructor explained these are two ways of bringing research material into the research paper. The other two, quote and indirect quote, will be covered next week.
We worked with thesis statements and did some thesis statemen exercises.
To Do for Next Week:
Write Pt. 2. Find additional sources to bring total of sources to 10.
Find two additional sources for poetry project.
Read Lester, Ch 4 and use specialized search enginesd.
Writershelp is on main page: four exercises for wordiness and conciseness.