Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Writing 102 Tues-Thurs

Thursday, March 31

We finished the apostrophe .ppt and did a worksheet on "its" and "it's."

We had two poetry presentations. Bernardo discussed Imagism and Shanika presented metaphysical poetry.

The instructor collected Pt II.

Roundtables for Apr 5 are:  Dana, Christian, ChaVonne
Roundtables for Apr. 7 are: Diana, Emily, Sindy

Link for student dates for poetry roundtable.

To Do for Next Class:

Read Lester chapter on plagiarism
Work on poetry paper/roundtable
Study drama vocabulary words and "How Drama Works" for April 7 quiz.,

Tuesday, March 29

We had our first poetry round table, which was Charlene's. Her genre was "The Spoken Word" and her poet was Amiri Baraka. Two other students were to go today but they weren't in class.

We talked about bringing in literary criticism to the poetry papers. An example was put on the overhead projector. Students read the literary criticism and then saw how to bring in the author of the criticism.

We talked about the drama paper and the instructor went over the various requirements for this part of the class:

a) read "How Drama Works"
b) attend play (see details below)
c) Study glossary terms (details below)
d) Write drama paper (example paper at links on right, due date below)

The instructor announced that the final will be on Thursday, May 5, the last day of class. Students with perfect attendance, no cell phone incidents, and no more than three lates from now through May 3 will not have to take the final.

The final activity in class was to work on apostrophes. We did in-class exercises that were worth 3 CPPs.

To Do for Next Class:

--Bring in Pt 2 of research paper
--Read link at right, "How Drama Works." There will be a quiz on April 7.
--Read the drama glossary, A-C, at right. The Apr. 7 quiz will include terms
--Continue to work on poetry paper

The drama paper will be due May 3.

We will attend the play on Thurs. evening, April 28. Students do not have to attend class on that date. Students who attend on other dates should bring their ticket stub to be excused from attendance on Thursday.

CSS Class Tues-Thurs 6-9 p.m.

Tonight's Powerpoints:

Class 3 (covers 132-55)

Overview (background)

Class 4 (covers 156-83)

Other types of HTML editors/WYSIWIG programs

Thursday's Powerpoints:

Class 5 (184-205) 

Class 6 (206-15)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Advertising 3765 Mon-Wed


The commercials were returned with instructor feedback.

We went through the rest of the graphics file format .ppt. The instructor explained that the material is directly applicable to what students need to know to do their TV commercial.

At the end of class, she showed the Starbucks commercial as an example.

Superbowl grades were given to most students. A few remain and will be given back at the next class.

To Do for Next Class:

Work on commercial

Obtain photo imaging software.

Students turned in their 30-second ads and the instructor will read them and give them back on Wed.

The instructor asked about the coupon ads and she reminded students of the deadline.

We began work on graphic file formats.The instructor showed a .ppt and we worked our way through about 40% of it. We will continue on Wed. The .ppt is linked at right.

She asked students to check their computers for photo imaging software. If students do not have any photo imaging software, they can obtain some free software by looking through the following lists:

Recent link listing around 8 different free graphics/imaging programs.

Here's a 2009 link.

 This link is older (2008) and some of the software may not be available.

To Do For Next Class:

Obtain necessary software (check CNET), try above suggestions.

Speech Critical 1402 MWF


We had three speeches today:  Brandon's speech was on HAARP. Towana spoke on the lack of news watching by people in younger age categories. Marques talked about political cartoonists.

On Friday, we will hear from Sean, Tina, and Jessica.

To Do for Next Class:

Practice speech
Read chapter on speech anxiety

The instructor returned hard copy outlines of informative speeches.

We had two speeches, one by Keith and the other by Stephanie. The topics were alternative fuels and the emotion of fear, respectively.

To Do for Next Class:

Practice speech.

Read chapter on speech anxiety.

Speech Critical MWF

Mar. 28

The instructor returned hard copy outlines with feedback.

We had two speeches today:  Keith spoke on alternative fuels, and Stephanie spoke about fear.

On Wednesday our speakers will be:  Brandon, Towana, and Marques

On Friday our speakers will be:  Jessica, Tina, and Sean

To Do for Next Class:

Start reading the chapter on speech anxiety. 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

To All 1402 Students

I am starting new assignment threads on Blackboard for everyone who wants me to look at their outline a second time (after the rough version I already returned) and also for those few people who did not get the outline in the first time.

I will check Blackboard at various times throughout the day.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Writing 102 Sat.

March 26, 2011

In the first 2/3 of the class, we worked on the research paper. Students now have all three points completed, so we will begin the process of revising and editing. The instructor had students call up writershelp and enter "revision" under "exercises." This brought up a checklist for revision (also in the Hacker book under "global revisions").  Using the "Improving the Organization" category as the starting point, the instructor asked students to look at all three points together and answer the questions in that category.

After that, she added "Does the paper flow logically?" and asked students to trade their papers. Students were asked to mark the paper where they became confused or where it did not make sense. They then were to convey this to their colleague both in writing with an asterisk and through conversation.

Next the instructor returned the feedback for Pt II (handed in last week).  She gave students different areas of the paper to work on and asked them to revise.  Examples of some of the areas were to break sentences down into more simplified versions or to add transitions to alleviate choppiness.  After students did this, she went around to various students and read the results and gave pointers if necessary.

Next we worked on the poetry paper. Some students were puzzled about how to blend the research material from the literary databases into their paper. The instructor gave a demonstration on the overhead projector. A copy of this demonstration has been posted.

To Do for Next Week:

Research Paper:  Take the input provided by the instructor for Pt. II and also the input given to you by the reading of your paper by your colleague. Revise, putting your three points together as a cohesive whole. Go through the revision checklist (listed above) and answer the sections under "Strengthening the Content" and "Clarifying the Point of View."

In addition, read Lester, Ch. 9. It is necessary to read and understand it before our revision session next week. You do not have to do the activities described by Lester, but read what he says.

Have the three points together to work with next week.  Have them available as a digital copy and as a hard copy.

Poetry Paper: Blend research material to your paper. We will have three students present their roundtable next week:  Robert, Melinda, and Rockell. These students must get their papers to the instructor by Fri., April 1, so she can format the papers for copying and distribution to the other students in the class.

Grammar, usage, etc.  Do writershelp exercises:  Hyphens, abbreviations, and numbers (under Mechanics)


Instructor's explanation of how to blend literary criticism into poetry paper (also linked above).

Public Speaking 129

We critiqued an informative speech outline on the overhead document cam.

We discussed the graphic that is required for the informative speech. The instructor advised students of how to find or make one:

--Google search term plus "chart graph"
--Corbis and other stock photography (must leave watermark)
--public domain imagery (search "public domain" plus search term)
--CQ Researcher for graphics
--make your own in Excel

Props and hard copy displays can also be used for the graphic.

If you encounter a spacer.gif,  use Nuke Anything Enhanced 1.0.2, a Firefox add-on.

The midterm is on April 1 and will be held the last hour of class. Students with perfect attendance and no cell phone incidents may leave early and do not have to take the exam. The exam is on the first five chapters plus Ch. 11 on informative speaking.

Informative speeches will be on April 8.
Persuasive speeches will be on May 6, the last day of class.
The speeches count more for the grade than the midterm and/or final.

To Do for Next Class:

Finish informative speech full-sentence outline. Must have in-text citations and Works Cited.

Be sure Ch's 5 & 6 are read, as there is a reading check scheduled for it (CPPs only)

Read Ch. 10 on speech anxiety.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

CSS Class 5

 Here's a book I'm considering and for which I've order an exam copy. If you go down to the bottom of the page, you can call up a Google preview. I would like to get student feedback, so if you can, go to the table of contents and please note that some of the items are links to pages.

I will be posting other books as I look at them and we can also talk about this in class.
 I've decided to look for another DW/Flash book. That's because I remembered that the book I showed you in our last class had problems with the Flash section. 

See this graphic for an example of good use of a rollover.

 Article on how IE's latest browser doesn't support XP and how it's costing Microsoft in terms of market share.


Thursday, March 24

We reviewed what we had covered over the last couple classes by going through some .ppts that had illustrations. We started covering new material on p. 140 and we worked through 143.

Discuss Dreamweaver book and software. Put this search term in at Amazon: 

Master VISUALLY Dreamweaver CS4 and Flash CS4 Professional  Huddleston

Review from last class (covers p. 118-31)

Powerpoint for tonight's class (covers 132-55

Tuesday, March 22

We discussed ordering materials in advance (Dreamweaver, the text for DW) to have them available when the class starts and also to keep expenses down.

We worked through customizing cursors (132) (people who were not in class, there is a problem with this section) through structuring the page with DIV elements (p. 139).

The subject of a glossary was brought up and the instructor says she has accompanying glossary worksheets that she will check for in her files.

1402 Speech Critical T-Fri

Friday, March 25

We had a little confusion over how to see instructor feedback, so Joy logged in and showed other students how to tell where the instructor feedback on an assignment is.

Next we talked about how the midterm is on March 29. We have already gone over which students need to take it.

Since full-sentence outlines were due today, the instructor checked them and the Works Cited and the note card in. The outline was 3 poaints, the WC was 2, and the index card was worth 1 CPP.

In the last part of the class, we talked about the illustration that was required for the speech. The instructor showed students how to look up a graph or chart using Google images. In addition, she showed them how to find illustrations at stock photography houses, such as corbis.  Later she will post a layer removal tool that students may need to use the illustrations.

To Do for Next Class

Study for midterm, if you are a student who has to take it.  The chapters it covers will be posted here later this afternoon.

Practice your speech.


 We started the class with a reading check on Ch. 11. It is worth five CPPs.

The midterm is March 29. We have already gone through the attendance records.  The midterm is on Ch's 1-5, 11, and 16.

We did an exercise on connotative and denotative language (Ch. 4 text). Students are to complete the exercise and bring it to the next class.

To Do for Next Class:

Obtain feedback from instructor from Blackboard. The feedback will be available after 12N on Wednesday. Based on this, finish the informative speech outline, complete with in-text citations and an annotated works cited.  Transfer key words to one index card which may contain only 50 words (quotations should go on a second card).

Be prepared for the practice session, which is Friday's class. Have recording capability, so bring your cell phones or digital cameras. There will be a speech reaction paper, so you will need the recording to refer to.

On Fri., April 1, we will have our first presentations. Colin and Frank are the speakers. If we have time at that class, the instructor will show the class how to do visuals.

On April 5th, Darnell will make up a 3-minute speech that he was unable to do due to joining the class late.

Go over speech dates (already selected)

Informative outline due date and practice dates

To do for Next Class:

Writing102 Tues-Thurs


Reminder: our first poetry roundtables are on Mar. 29. The students who are hosting the roundtable need to get their hard copy materials to me in digital form so that I can format them for printing for the rest of the class. Please do this by Sunday, so I can photocopy on Monday, Mar. 28.
The roundtables are Charlene's, Abdullah's, and Roxanne's.
Thursday is Shanika, Bernardo, and James. I will need these papers in digital form by March 30.

If you do not get the material to me by the deadline date, you can make your own copies for distribution to the class. 

Today, March 24, is the midterm. Here is some of what is on the midterm:

questions about poetry criticism and literary criticism in general

questions about Dylan Thomas, poetry explication

questions about MLA

semicolon usage

wordiness and conciseness

questions about thesis statements

Ch's 1 & 2 in Lester, also first half of Ch. 6


Instructor will return:

  • Research paper outline
  • Poetry paper outline
  • Reading check done at last class (Lester)
  • Poetry paper comparing Dylan Thomas poems
  • Other miscellaneous papers
Go over proofreading marks, what they mean, and how to correct. Protocol for corrections.

Schedule dates for poetry roundtables

Where to go with poetry paper (hard copy criticism, library)
Where to go with research paper (if outline, Pt. 1, if Pt 1 was handed in, write Pt. 2 and do an outline)
Discuss drama assignment

Discuss midterm grade and CPP totals

Walk to library to see poetry volumes

Monday, March 21, 2011

Advertising 3765 Mon-Wed

We moved to another classroom for purposes of the exercise, which called for students to work in groups.

Features/Benefits Exercise:  Students had previously brought in packaging for products such as digital cameras, cell phones, and iPhones. Each group analyzed packaging for how the company presented features and benefits. After we analyzed the packaging, each group told their findings to the rest of the class.

To Do For Next Class

The instructor told students that their next assignment was to write the 30-second TV commercial, which should be based on one-two features/benefits of the product. There is an assignment sheet posted at this blog. The commercial should follow the format in the book (page numbers are on assignment sheet). The advertising copy is due on Monday, Mar. 28.

The next class is the midterm.

Speech Critical 1402 MWF

 Friday, Mar. 25

The instructor put student outlines on the overhead doc cam and showed  MLA formatting techniques.

We chose dates for speaking. We have speakers for Monday but we need to revise the chart for the rest of the speaking days. If you have committed for next Wed., however, plan on speaking on that date.

Students turned in outlines, which the instructor will return on Monday with feedback. In addition, she will check Blackboard to see what outlines need further feedback.

For next class:

Practice for speeches

Begin reading the persuasive chapter in the text.

Instructor's Note:  I have reviewed all outlines listed at Blackboard. First, only about one-third of the class has an outline posted there. Per the instructions in a previous post, one student did stop by today with an outline. I have reviewed and returned all outlines posted there.
Recall that you were to do further research on your topic over the break. This outline needs to be done so you can get the most out of the practice sessions on Wed. and Fri. This is a full-sentence outline with internal text citations, a Works Cited, and the key words transferred to an index card.


We had a quiz on the March 11 visit to the library.
Starting this Friday (and only on Fridays) we will begin class at 1:40 p.m.

Five students had their outline finished and were able to practice in an adjacent room. These students handed in their outlines for instructor feedback and will receive their outlines on Friday.

The instructor went over a few of the items on the speech evaluation sheet with the other students in the class.

To Do for Next Class:

Full-sentence outline with in-text citations and a Works Cited. Please note that according to the schedule provided for you in early March, we are to begin the speeches on March 28.

The instructor will be putting up topics for persuasive speeches, so watch for the link and read through the topics.


Instructor's Note: I have reviewed all outlines listed at Blackboard. First, only about one-third of the class has an outline posted there. Per the instructions in a previous post, one student did stop by today with an outline. I have reviewed and returned all outlines posted there.
Recall that you were to do further research on your topic over the break. This outline needs to be done so you can get the most out of the practice sessions on Wed. and Fri. This is a full-sentence outline with internal text citations, a Works Cited, and the key words transferred to an index card.

We had the midterm today. The exams were graded in class.

The midterm cannot be made up, so unless you have a doctor's excuse or can show that you were at a funeral, do not even ask.

At our next class there will be a brief quiz for CPPs that is based on what we learned during our library session the Friday before spring break.

In addition, on Friday we will sign up for speech dates.

To Do for Next Class:

Check Blackboard for instructor feedback on your outline.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Research assistance

This free web site software will help you keep track of your sources.

Please note it is a .org.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Midterm and Quiz Dates

3765 Adv: Midterm is Wed., Mar. 23

129 Reading check on Ch's 5 & 6
Midterm date will be announced at next class

102 Sat. Midterm date will be announced at next class

102 Tues. Thurs.: midterm is March 24

1402 Tues Fri.: Midterm date will be announced at next class

1402 MWF:  midterm is March 21. There is a library quiz covering Fri's session at the library on Wed., Mar. 23 (class participation points)

Midterms are over all readings and class lectures to date. If you are unsure of readings, consult earlier blog posts.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Public Speaking 129

We had a reading check on Ch. 11 for 5 class participation points.

Students turned in their "I Am" papers.

To Do for Next Class:

Finish outline, complete with internal text citations and Works Cited. All parts of the outline must be labeled, such as General Purpose, Specific Purpose, Thesis Statement, etc. The speeches will begin April 2.

At the next class, we will discuss the connotative and denotative nature of words. There is a .ppt and a worksheet that goes with this class. It is based on Ch. 5.

Be sure Ch's 5 & 6 are read, as there will be a reading check on them when we return to classes.

Writing 102 Saturday

March 12

We checked in the poetry criticism (two articles) that was due today. The research paper pages were also checked in. Papers will be returned with feedback at the next class.

We talked about the poetry outline and the instructor refined it. The part we did in class is in red.

Next the instructor discussed how poets achieve emotional impact with their words through the use of connotative words. The presentation also covered meter and rhyme, as well as simile, metaphor, extended metaphor, etc.

We set up a table and students committed to a roundtable date.

To Do for Next Class:
Two more pages of writing to complete Pt. 3 for the research paper.  By the next class (Mar. 26), the body of the paper will be completed.

In addition, write two pages of the poetry assignment. This paper is based on the outline that was discussed
in class today and that is posted at right under "Writing 102 Outline Lester Poetry." In addition, consult the .ppt, which has been uploaded and linked above.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Writing 102 Tues-Thurs

 Added March 17: Students who are working on their poetry paper may want to consult this outline, which I explained more in detail for the Sat. 102.  See the part in red.  Link is at right under "Writing 102 Lester Outline Poetry."

Someone left their Lester book in the classroom.  I have it. E-mail me if you can't find yours.


The instructor showed students the play being presented by The Theater Project at UCC. She described the paper they would be writing (link at right).

We scheduled poetry roundtables.

There was a reading check on the first half of Ch. 5. The instructor has to check with a librarian about whether the photographs are primary or secondary sources.

Students handed in outlines. The instructor will review them over spring break.

There is an additional poetry research assignment will be given after spring break.

To Do for Next Class:

Finish poetry papers, obtain necessary media, and be ready to present on your date.

Work on research paper


The instructor asked how students were doing with the specialized search engines that was the assignment from Lester. Some students reported no success while others found one or two items. The instructor told students that sometimes the material is not easily seen and has to be searched for, particularly on sites that are associations.

Students were given class participation points for having their research for both the research paper and the poetry project. In addition, the instructor read off a number for what students had accumulated by doing critiques of others' MLA Annotated Works Cited.

To follow up on the wordiness and conciseness exercises at writershelp, the instructor handed out a paragraph that needed to be edited. We looked at Emily's work on the overhead doc cam.

The instructor returned Annotated Works Cited with comments.

We figured out who has to take the midterm, which is scheduled for March 24. The instructor read off the names of those with perfect attendance. Students who have attendance do not need to come to class on that date.

To Do for Next Class:

Thesis statements at writershelp

Research paper outline

Poetry paper outline

Read half of Lester, Ch. 6 (please check your notes--I may have said Ch. 5 in class but I meant Ch. 6)
Be prepared for a possible quiz on the first half next Thursday.

1402 Speech Critical Tues-Friday


We scheduled speech dates. See table.

We had a brief session on the databases by Librarian Craig Anderson.
When we return from spring break, we will go over the speech evaluation sheet

Ch. 11 Reading Check

Connotative and denotative language

To Do for Next Class:

Prepare for informative speech


We began work on the informative speech outline today. Working from the book, we set up the basic structure of the outline:  general and specific purposes, thesis statement, preview, and three body points. 

The instructor showed characteristics of good thesis statements. Students looked at their own thesis statements to see if they met the criteria.

We did further work on thesis statements, which were also checked in and for which students received a class participation point. We did 10 exercises on thesis statements, which the instructor put on the overhead projector. Students were required to evaluate which of two thesis statements fit the criteria she had shown earlier.

The instructor then took students to Blackboard, where she showed them how to post the outline they had just written. Students are to refine the thesis statement and add additional material under the three body points.

To Do for Next Class:

Post outline at Blackboard prior to class so the instructor knows where students need feedback.

Read Ch. 11 in the text, which is on the informative speech. Be prepared for a five-question CPP quiz on this chapter.

At our next class, we will go over speaking dates and who has to take the midterm.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Speech Critical MWF

  Reminder:  on Friday we meet at the library, Rm. L41B 

Friday, March 11

Library session. Sometimes the instructor takes notes and makes a quiz to find out how well students are listening. This quiz might appear the week after spring break.

Turn in "I Am" paper.

Students who have to take the midterrm are:  Albert, Towana, Gordon, Keith, Jasmine, John G., Jackson, the two David Js, Shannon, Joey.

To Do for Next Class:

Explore the databases that you learned about in today's session. Add the material to your informative speeches. 

Make sure your MLA Works Cited entries are correct. Do this by consulting with someone at CAS, checking with a librarian, using software, or looking up each entry in your style guide (preferred method).

If you haven't listed your expectations on the table, see the link below. I will be checking the email box soon for more permissions. 

Have Chapters 4 & 5 read, as well as Ch. 11 on the informative speech.  Reading checks will be given after spring break. 

Wednesday, March 9

We checked in the sources for students' informative speeches.  Five sources were due today.

Expectations postings: we did not get to this topic.

Go over speech evaluation and what will be necessary for students to write in their speech to attain the highest grade:  we did half of this and will pick up on the "Body Movement" section on March 23.

Attendance and who has to take the midterm.

Midterm date will be: March 21st. The instructor will post a list of students who have to take the midterm at this blogspace later today.

To Do for Next Class:

Go over outline and worksheet so you know exactly what sources you need. Convey this to the librarian, particularly people who chose their topic late. Put in writing what you need, print it out, and give it to the instructor at the beginning of the library session. She will give it to the presenting librarian.

Read informative speech chapter (11) and use the material in the construction of your speech

Monday, March 7

Go over how to respond to assignment at Blackboard.  Student volunteer.

How to do next step of outline.

Talk about self-fulfilling prophecy and do expectations in class. Students post anonymously later.
Link to self-fulfilling prophecy .ppt (instructor use)

To Do for Next Class:

Add research material to Points 1, 2, and 3. Add five more source. We will check in at next class.

Put in expectations of yourself on table.

Advertising 3765 Mon-Wed


We had two Superbowl presentations. Rafieu and Keith presented McDonald's commercials and Victor presented PepsiMax.

After the presentations, the instructor discussed the basis of all copywriting:  features and benefits. The .ppt included the major benefits of interest to consumers.

Students were given the Unique Selling Proposition worksheet. They are to do the first half for the class when we come back from spring break, the 21st of March.

The midterm will be on March 23

To Do for Next Class:

Read Ch. 10
Complete features/benefits (first half) on worksheet
If possible, draft a 30-second commercial

Advertising features/benefits .ppt

Link to Honda brochure, on which .ppt is based.

Unique Selling Proposition

Go over midterm, which will be March 23

To Do for Next Class:

Read Ch. 10
Complete features/benefits on worksheet
If possible, draft a 30-second commercial

HTML Class

We completed all of the pages in the text through CSS, which was tables, cellspan, borders, etc. We found a couple possible errors in the text.

We decided to have our second make-up class on March 26 for a couple reasons. One is to give the instructor time over break to make up an exercise. The other is to give people a Saturday in between to get things done.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Writing 102 Saturday

Sat.. Mar. 5, 2011

The instructor announced there would be five Class Participation Points deducted from students who leave class outside of break time.

She also asked students to come early to print out their papers. People need to be in the classroom by 9 a.m. to begin class.

First we did peer readings where students read each other's Pt. 1. There are CPPs given for commenting and reading. Students received their Pt. 1 back with feedback.

Next we did a summary and paraphrase worksheet. The instructor explained these are two ways of bringing research material into the research paper. The other two, quote and indirect quote, will be covered next week.

We worked with thesis statements and did some thesis statemen exercises.

To Do for Next Week:

Write Pt. 2. Find additional sources to bring total of sources to 10.

Find two additional sources for poetry project.

Read Lester, Ch 4 and use specialized search enginesd.

Writershelp is on main page:  four exercises for wordiness and conciseness.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Public Speaking 129

Friday, March 4, 2010

We worked on the full-sentence outline, doing the general and specific purposes and also the three main points of the body of the speech. In addition, we worked on writing the thesis statement.

As part of learning how to write the thesis statement, we went through some questions which required us to choose the best thesis statement of two that were presented.

After this, the instructor asked students to put their thesis statements on the overhead document cam. We evaluated them and in some cases added material to the thesis statement.

Next the instructor presented an exercise which involved exploring the self-fulfilling prophecy. Students were asked to list expectations (see  links below). The expectations were entered anonymously and after we went over the section in the book, we viewed what various expectations were, such as expectations of us as friends or expectations of us males or females.

We also viewed and critiqued three sample speeches. Viewing the speeches helped us spot pitfalls, such as speaking in a monotone or not dressing appropriately for the speech. The speeches showed us the value of gestures or speaking about something of which one has personal knowledge (science fiction speech).

To Do for Next Week:

Complete informative speech full-sentence outline with in-text citations and Annotated Works Cited. Hand in at next class.

"I Am" paper is due

Read Chapter 5


Self-fulfilling prophecy exercise.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Advertising 3765 Mon-Wed

Notice:  the tv comm'ls clip assignment is on the main page at Blackboard.  I would appreciate it if some students would try uploading and advising me via of whether they are able to do so. Posted 2 p.m., Thurs., Mar. 3.

Instructor announced new policy:  if you leave class during the session, five class participation points will be deducted from your total.

We discussed camera moves/editing clips. The instructor will investigate why the thread does not display.
We had three Superbowl presentations:  Cindy & Aleida, Kwa, and Asata.
The instructor returned the coupon layouts for revision. We will discuss further at another class.

To Do for Next Class:

Product packaging that demonstrates features/benefits:  Genna: iPhone, GPS, Instructor: Nook packaging, mandolin, Kwa: Toshiba laptop box, Chrissy: videocamera box.  Need next Wednesday

All students read Ch. 7, Words on Paper

Choose product for your television commercial

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Writing 102 T-Th 3:30-5:15


We tried to watch a poetry DVD but it didn't work.

The instructor lectured from the poetry reading at the link at right. We explicated a student poem from "The Sheaf."

For next class:

Four more sources on research paper for a total of 10. Add to the Works Cited. See the Lester assignment below, before you begin your search.

Pt 1 on the research paper will be due next Thursday. Two pages.

Poetry: find another two sources for poetry project. Instructor will collect poetry Works Cited at next class, Tuesday.

Lester reading: Ch. 3 has a section where search engines devoted to academic disciplines are listed. For the 3rd edition, it is on p. 40.  For example, there is a search engine devoted to philosophy. Read the section for your discipline and try out the search engines.

Writerselp exercise:
The exercises are posted to the main page. The system is set up to email me with who completed the exercises. There are 2 class participation points for each exercise.

At our next class we will do peer readings. In addition, the instructor will have copies of papers she considers in the A-B range. Students will have the opportunity to read these papers, too.

We will discuss wordiniess and concisesness.

Assignments will be checked in for class participation points.


We corrected the Works Cited and students are to do the corrections recommended by their colleague and bring that version to Thursday's class.

We went over tentative working thesis statements and some students put their statements on the overhead document com. We examined the thesis statements and discussed them. The instructor showed students how to put the tentative working thesis statement in the header as a guide for writing and staying on topic.

The instructor collected semicolon work from students who were absent on the date we covered them.

We checked in poetry criticism for 2 CPP and the thesis statement received 1 CPP.

Students handed in paper their comparing "Do Not Go Gentle" to his other poetry.

We went over the first two paragraphs of a poetry paper written by a student from a previous class the professor taught. The paper showed students how to introduce the genre and describe the poet's place in the genre.

To Do for Next Class:

Research paper:
Continue research on paper. Correct the Annotated Works Cited and add a minimum of one source before Thursday's class. Emphasis for this source is a book. The new source must be highlighted. Bring revised WC to class.

Revise tentative working thesis statement if necessary.

Read Lester Ch. 7, p. 80, "Academic Pattern for the Interpretation of Literature and Other Creative Works." Using this outline, acquire two more sources that will contribute to your paper. Put the sources in the form of an Annotated Works Cited and bring to the next class.

Speech Critical 1402 Tuesday-Friday


We checked in the Annotated Works Cited (3 highlighted sources).Three CPPs per cite.

We corrected the Annotated Works Cited and returned them for further corrections.

We did a reading check for CPPs on Ch's 1-3.  This reading check cannot be made up, so if you weren't in class, don't even ask.

The instructor said we would be going to a library session for further instruction on the databases after spring break. In the meantime, however, students should try the academic databases on their own.

To Do for Next Class:

Write a working thesis statement. Bring it to the next class. Be prepared with your book as we are writing a RD of the informative speech outline in class.

Read the other half of Ch. 5.

Be prepared for a reading check on Ch's 4 and 5.

The instructor announced a new policy about leaving during class. Five CPPs are deducted for each time a student leaves class when it is in session.

The natural disasters group symposium presented today. After this presentation, Colin gave a three-minute speech on healthcare.

We checked  in the Annotated Works Cited (five sources required) and class participation points were recorded. Three more sources are due by the next class.

The instructor distributed a handout about quotes in "I Am" paper. We read through the handout and spent the last part of class adopting concepts from the book and writing them in our rough drafts in the form of quotes. The quotes are to have transitions in and out.

To Do for Next Class:
Write quotations into RD of "I Am."
Add three more sources to Annotated Works Cited. We will correct at our next class. Highlight the new sources.
Review Ch's 1-3 for reading check on Fri.
Read first half of Ch. 5. There may be one question from Ch. 5 on the reading check.

Due Dates:

March 11 "I Am" paper with internal text citations and Works Cited.

CSS Class Tues-Thurs 6-9 p.m.

For next class:  Oscar's pages and pictures


We covered color on the web (p. 92) through "using the font shorthead property." (105).

Saturday we will be doing at HTML session at 2 p.m.


We watched a youtube video that showed us how to type in the CSS style declaration.

Next we went through the text instructions, starting on p. 84. We covered units of measurement and we learned to set both the text size and font type on the page.

We will pick up with color at our next class on Thursday.

CSS Class 1 .ppt

Here's the image link to experiment with.