We went over the syllabus, with each person reading a section. The syllabus will be posted for student download off the Student Links page at left.
Students exchanged names and contact information.
We took a brief break.
The instructor passed out a green citation guide from the library called "UCC Libraries Citation Guide."
Next we broke into pairs and each person interviewed a colleague for purposes of writing an introduction. The instructor showed students how to construct an introduction outline. Students composed their outlines and then we delivered the introductions.
Next class:
1. Read citation guide (green). Also read Ch. 17 (online) (scroll down).
2. Order or purchase book at bookstore. If book is purchased from the internet, print out your order. Students have two weeks to get the book.
3. Make folders on computer for class. For hard copy organization, a list of organizers to be distributed at next class.
4. Think about a topic for the informative speech
5. Get a computer account so library databases can be accessed