Friday, January 29, 2010

Public Speaking 129 What Happened in Class

Note: on Feb. 5 we will be working in a computer lab at the library from 7:05-8:45 (Rm. L112). We will be doing Works Cited and internal text citations.

Link to clips of new newspaper/magazine formats, iPad, texting, etc.

How to watch TV on the Internet and get rid of your cable company.

The instructor reviewed the blog and links page for new students.

She then discussed Ch. 17, which was the online reading assigned last week. After the discussion, students met with their partner from last week to fill out the definitions. The purpose of the exercise was to clarify and cement the terms in the students' minds.

The next class activity was the "I Am" journal assignment. Students read the assignment in class and the instructor went over it, too. Students ranked themselves with the terms in class. These terms are to be referred to in the paper as they are "self-perception." Contrast them with how others see you.

A 3-minute "how-to" (demonstrative) speech was assigned. Students worked in small groups to decide on topics.

Next week:

--Begin reading first three chapters in the text, which relate to the "I Am" assignment. All three chapters must be completed by Feb. 12. Do not be surprised if there is a brief pop quiz over the first chapter.
--Get at least two interviews for the "I Am" paper and bring the rankings to class next week.
--Prepare and practice your 3-minute "how to" speech. We will have four speeches next week.
--Bring a style guide (Hacker) to next week's class to work on the Annotated Works Cited.
--Be sure you have a password that allows you to get into the system at the computer lab next week.