Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Adv 3100 Wed. What Happened in Class

Category headings for portfolio, which is due the last day of class:

Direct Mail (long sales letter)

Google Adwords and youtube

Market Research


Outdoor/visual display


Account Management (Insertion order, newspaper ad, Part A & B)


First we discussed the Tower newspaper project. The instructor showed students the coupons and the flyer. There was some discussion as to whether advertisers in the immediate vicinity of Kean would receive a benefit from the break coupons. It was pointed out that the school is largely commuter oriented. The instructor suggested to students that they choose clients who will benefit ffrom students being out of school and who might not necessarily be in the immediate vicinity of the school. In some cases, students may want to suggest a newspaper ad rather than the coupon.

Students were provided with items to add to their media kit: the flyer featuring the coupon, the coupon layout sheet, and a copy of The Tower.

It was decided that Part A would be due on Dec. 9. This means the student must have contacted the client before the next class.

Next the instructor told students about the radio ad. She showed them the assignment sheet (later a hard copy was distributed). She showed them how to set up the script page on the computer. In addition, there was a handout describing situations, formats, and emotional appeals. The instructor went over the handout in class.

After the break, we went over the deadlines for the rest of the class.

Assignments were returned.

The instructor noted that at the next class the final assignment on visual display would be given. At the next class, we will watch a .ppt on types of visual display. The student can do an outdoor board, another type of visual display, or a store window.

Next class:

Read the assigned chapter. There will be an exercise related to the chapter and if you have not read the chapter, you will not be able to participate in the exercise.

Radio ad due

Part A due for Tower.