Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Advertising 3765


This email was sent to the class at 8:30 a.m.:

I can make it to class; I just can’t talk. I thought we could do the Helvetica quiz and the class evaluation today. Don’t bring the box. We will do that next Tuesday.
Also, I don’t think I am contagious. I’ve had this thing since September and I understand a person is only contagious with it the first three or so days of the illness.

Students should put their survey research link on the table at right under "Adv. Mkt. Research Presentation Dates."

In preparation for the TV commercial assignment, we will go over the assignment sheet. In addition, we will go through the Unique Selling Proposition. (.ppt plus worksheet).

We will cover "Features & Benefits" on Thursday.

The instructor handed out the evaluation sheet for the market research presentations which are coming up in April.

To do for next class:

Decide on a product or service for the TV commercial.

Bring a package from a consumer product for analysis of features and benefits for class on Thursday.