Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Speech Critical 1402 Tues-Thurs

Thurs., Oct. 27

We had a practice day today. Speeches start next week. Our first speakers are:
Wm., Andrew, Dana, Brenda
Tues., Oct. 25

While Aimee and Chiara scouted out a lab for the class, the instructor explained attribution theory and attribution error. The instructor explained it verbally, but asked students to read the section of the book where it is covered.  In the 7th edition, it is p. 42.  Please look it up in the index if you have another edition, and read it before our next class.

We went to the computer lab 106 and students were given back their self-critique from the first speech. Their own comments as well as the instructor's are what are to be used for the page "Goals for Speech Improvement," which will be handed in with the speech outline and Works Cited on the day of the speech.

At our next class, we will practice our speeches, so bring a recording device. We will again do self-critiques.

The reading for this week is Ch. 4.  Also, review the attribution theory part.