Tuesday, November 30, 2010


We had three students present advertising questions today.

The instructor used the doc cam to show a brochure which was a good example of how to use character fonts with type and illustrations.

We discussed who would bring what for the party. We are going to order pizzas. Some students will bring sodas, brownies, cookies, etc. The instructor is bringing the tableware and a salad.

Next class:

Student presentations
Be working on your question and your ad
Bring $3 for the pizza fund. One of the students is in charge of the funds. Another has agreed to order the pizzas. The instructor has learned of a pizza firm in Elizabeth who delivers regularly to the department, so they know where to find us.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Speech Critical 1402 Tuesday

We met at the library and Librarian Craig Ferguson showed students how to use the databases. There may be a quiz on his presentation and students should check this blog post later, as the questions to the quiz will be posted here.

After Craig's presentation, the instructor showed students how to do APA style. APA is to be used for the persuasive speech.

She showed students a web site called Writer's Help. The web site is free to students through the end of the year but after that, it will charge a fee.  To sign up, students need this activation code and they also need to put in the instructor's Comcast email address.

Students should use the APA links for help with their citation on the persuasive speech.

In addition, the instructor showed students how to build a personal news page using Google.

Finally, students had questions regarding the Monroe Motivated Sequence. She told students to type their outlines with the category headings from the handout above them.

Next class:

Persuasive speeches
Bring printout of your Google news page showing at least five sections that you have entered



We formed into small groups and each group discussed their commercial.

The instructor provided feedback on student's commercials.

Moo did his question from the text.

To do for next class:

Readings, per the assignment
Work on question
Work on commercial(s)


We chose questions and discussed the advertising assignment.

The instructor took the student's commercial rough draft.

Link for entering your question and proposed presentation date. Many students have already entered theirs.

To do for next class:

The readings as outlined on the assignment sheet.
In class Tuesday, we will do small group brainstorming sessions. Students will outline their idea to the other members of their group, who will give feedback.
Students will also have instructor feedback on their commercials.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Writing 99 Friday

This message was emailed to all students today:

Tonight we may have to do some corrections on the papers, so be sure you have your electronic version with you. Send it by email to yourself, bring it on a USB drive, or save it on the school's computers, but be sure to have that version available. In addition, of course, you should have a hard copy version for me to work with.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

For All Students

Please read this article on happiness.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

1402 Speech Critical

We discussed the format for the last few sessions of the class and this is how it broke down:

Nov 23: library 4:30-6. Go directly to the library. The room will be posted here later.
6-7 p.m. practicing.

Nov 30: Speeches (see table) and evaluation due from practice

Dec 7: Speeches

Dec  14: Rescheduled speeches and final.

Next we put speech topics on the table.

The instructor distributed a four-page handout on the Monroe Motivated sequence. We started on the body of the speech and did several sections in class.

In the last hour of class we broke into small groups. The instructor handed out a list of questions for group discussion. The questions were about the "I Am" journal exercise and how its findings integrated with the personality profile.

To do for next class:

  • Read chapter 10 on anxiety (might be another number in other editions)
  • Continue speech research and preparation, filling in sections II 2, 3, and B., Main Point 2 through Steps of Plan. In the preceding, do not do sections on statistics unless they are in research you've turned up. We will be having a reference librarian tell us how dig up statistics in our library work session.  Instructor will give points to students who have done this work.
Remember:  meet at the library


Choose a question from any chapter 7- through end of book, with the exception of Ch 8 (layouts) and Ch. 11 (direct mail).

Presenters for Thurs: Ashley, ShaoBo


Ashley: cupcakes retail store
Hannah: radio?  TV Hersheys

Kelli ASpca
Jackie dd
danica starbucks
alexus alcohol
mooevent planning company tv radio?
Melissa petsmart
shaoox radio ipod  tv mac book
chris pabst blue rivvon tv
ciara truth against tobacco
fiord caggeine pill  radio
francesca anti smoking
lashanna skate 22
jonathan enertgy drink tv

Writing 99 MWF


The instructor picked up the expatriate essays.

We talked about the final essay, #4, and the students were given a choice as to what they wanted to write about. See assignment sheet (same as below. Use assignment sheet for printing).

Urban legend:

Assignment is to write on urban legends using Topic 4 from the book (p. 173, 6th edition). Since some students are using an earlier version, the topic has been written out here:

Use the Internet on your home computer or one in your library or classroom to find examples of urban legends. Analyze at least two or three of the stories you find, and write an essay in which you discuss their origins, why you think people are interested enough to pass them on to their friends, or characteristics that make these tales part of our culture's folklore.

Note to students:  if you wish, you can use the urban legends from the Weird NJ books, Volumes 1 and 2. They will be put on the library effective Monday afternoon. The legends from our area will be posted here and also attached to the book.


Read "The Immigrants: How They Are Helping to Revitalize the U.S. Economy."  6th edition, p. 183, 5th edition, p. 282.

Choose from the following essay questions at the end of the essay:

6th edition, p. 190, any of the three topics under "Topics for Writing"
5th edition, p 290, any of the three topics under "Topics for Writing"

For next class:

Do exercises at writershelp.com.  Do the tagged exercise, "Commas, first." There are three sets of exercises to do. Print out the last page of each exercise to show your score and turn this in at the next class.

Work on Essay 4. Have something substantial to report that you did on this essay at Monday's class. What you should show is notes from the reading and how you looked up the words in the "Building Your Vocabulary" section for the essay you chose.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Speech Critical 1402

We listened to the final round of informative speeches.

To do for next class:

Choose speech topic and bring three sources. (Note from instructor: (9:20 Saturday a.m.:  I am preparing speech topics now and will post them shortly.) 

9:45:  here are some speech topics. More coming up. 

Please note that you do not have to choose from these topics. You can choose your own topic, but it has to be approved by the instructor. Email me at comcast.net address.
Read chapter on persuasive speaking

Friday, November 12, 2010

Writing 99 Friday

We worked from the text on our expatriate essay and set the point of view.  We chose the purpose of our essay:  inform, amuse, entertain, explain, or persuade.

Next we discussed complexity or conflict. The instructor related the story of a student in her other class who discovered a town that has a name that is the same as his last name. She explained that the student had researched the town and found it is made up of large mansions and estates. This could be an example of the "complexity" or "conflict" element:  how is an American student from a middle-class background going to approach the people of this town to find out if he is possibly related to the name?

We then discussed chronological organization. 

We worked with description by doing freewriting about the neighborhood. Students put their writing on the overhead projector and we added adverbs and adjectives to make the writing more vivid.

After this, the instructor explained dominant impression and clarifying connections, which is written when the essay is essentially complete. It is often the clarifying connections phase that gives the essay meaning and makes it a memorable piece of writing.

During the last hour of class, students worked on the first page of the essay.

To do for next week:

Write four-five pages with in-text citation and a works cited page.

Note:  only five citations need to be MLA style.

The rest can be a list of URLs or other references used in the paper.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


People who do not have to take the midterm:


I am showing absences for these dates:

Moo  9/9, 10/28

Stop by on Thursday and show me class notes  for those days and you will be excused from the exam. In the future, if you come in late, per the syllabus, you are supposed to come up after class to make sure your attendance is marked.

The instructor told students they needed to do the coupon layout for their advertiser. She also said she would be assigning new clients in a final effort to meet the ad deadline for December's issue.

We discussed the Photoshop assignment and Jonathan showed the class a blog where they could post their assignment if they couldn't get it on Blackboard or through email to the instructor.

We talked briefly about the museum trip.

The instructor handed out the final assignment and told students who were not at the museum trip that they could produce a radio commercial to make up for the trip.

To do for next class:

Work on coupon layout
Find another advertiser on your own if you dont' want one assigned to you
Come up with an idea for a radio and a TV commercial. Be reading the assigned chapters (see assignment sheet).

Monday, November 8, 2010

Writing 99 MWF


We worked on narration and descriptive writing. The instructor asked students to recount some of their research. She asked them to retell it in first person ("I") and through narration and descriptive writing. For example, the narrative might start off by telling how the student found a place to live. The descriptive part would describe the place the student rented.

We did an exercise with descriptive writing in class.

For next class:  two pages of writing based on the research. Must be written in narrative form with descriptive detail added.  See Ch. 6 for additional material on this type of writing.


We went to the computer lab and the instructor showed students the Writer's Help site.

Assignment for Friday:
Work on research for expatriate essay. Print out what you have. I will ask to see it.
Read and do exercises from text:  6th edition, p. 107-23; 5th edition, p. 125-140, 146-47


We met at the library and the instructor introduced the assignment.

In addition to the links at the end of the assignment sheet, this link will also take you to international newspapers.

Students have until Tuesday to change their country. Students should make their own change of country on the table that was done in class.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Writing 99 Friday

Writer's Help Student Sign-up.  Account will be good through the end of the year.

Assignment for next week. Students were also given a hard copy, but on this electronic copy, links can be clicked.

Link to student selection of countries. You can change your country here without contacting the instructor.


First we worked on topic sentences. We took the thesis statements students had narrowed from the text exercises. Then we worked on developing the topic sentences. The instructor did a demonstration and then students put their own topic sentences on the overhead screen. 

After working on the topic sentences, we went to the computer lab at the library. There were two objectives for working on the computers. The first was that the instructor wanted to show students Writer's Help, a writing web site that is being offered free to students through the end of the year. The second was to introduce students to the next assignment, which required some computer interaction.

We worked through the Writer's Help web site. The instructor showed the students each of the tabs and the students went to them on their own computers. We covered MLA in-text citations and she showed them how to access model MLA papers on which to model their own paper. 

We did thesis statement and topic sentence exercises. The grades ranged on this, with some grades as low as 40 but others as high as 100. These grades were not recorded.

The instructor asked the students to mail the link and their registration to themselves.

Next we went through the new assignment, half of which will be due next week. We read the assignment in the lab and then explored the links that will make the assignment come to life. Students told which country they wanted to live in and the instructor put them on a table. It is OK to change the country, but students cannot choose a country that has already been taken. They should change no later than Tuesday, as there will be seven entries required for the research that is due next Friday.

To do for next week:

Write seven research entries using MLA format as shown in class.

Read the text,

Writing II Friday

Assignment for next week.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Writing 99


Students handed in their first drafts.

We worked on thesis statements.

The instructor went over what would be on Wednesday's midterm.

To Do for Next Class:

Finish exercises on the thesis statement section that we started (through 10, I believe). 
Study for midterm.

This link is for Liniyah.