First we did the drama quiz and corrected the nine questions in class.
Next the instructor returned Points 1, 2, and 3 of the research paper. She gave students time to review the corrections and make sure they could understand the handwriting and correction symbols.
Preparing students for the next step of the paper, she handed out a two-page worksheet on transitions. Transitions were on the second page and on the first page was a paragraph that needed to be edited and to which transitions needed to be added. Students edited the paragraph and added transitions and we looked at a few of the examples in class.
Assignment for Tuesday: go over the paper and edit and make corrections. Add transitions so that the body of the paper reads seamlessly. Highlight your new transitions with a highlighter or circle them. You will receive one point for each new transition that you add.
According to our research timetable, the intro is to be done for the 14th. Instead, however, write your transitions (above) and conclusion. The instructor will cover intros and titles in class in the coming week.
Langan: Do Ch. 37 & 38, “The Apostrophe,” and “Quotation Marks.” Review 93-95, “concluding paragraphs.”
We did some exercises with the apostrophe. The instructor had a Powerpoint for this part of the class and we did sample sentences for each rule covered.
Next students presented their web site analysis and we discussed the credibility of the sites.
Next class:
papers returned
drama quiz
Greek theater .ppt