Monday, April 13, 2009

Writing 102-MWF What Happened in Class


Students received Point 1 back from the instructor and she delivered comments about what to do and not to do. Example: eliminate cliches like "today's society." Write in first and third persons.

After getting the papers back, students were reminded the next point is due on Monday.

Next a few more students gave their web site evaluations.

Next class:

For Monday, be working on making changes to Pt. 1, which is to be turned in with Pt 2. Pt. 1 must have all changes recommended by the instructor. A Works Cited is also required for Monday's submission.

Work on chapters in Langan.


The instructor handed out a nongraded quiz for the DVD. We answered the questions and then went over the answers in class. Students are to put this quiz in the "Quiz" section of the notebook.

Next the instructor handed back papers and students handed in their Point 1 of the research paper. The instructor said she would read them right after class and students could pick them up from her mailbox at the Faculty Lounge, located near the registration office.

Next we went over the "critical thinking about websites" project that we worked on for the last two sessions. Four students presented their websites and we compared their critiques with those in the book "Consider the Source."

Next class:

Write Point 2
Instructor will return Point 1
Be prepared to present your web site and its rating (as seen by you) at the next class.