Wednesday, April 29, 2009

102 What Happened in Class MWF


We finished the first two pages of the Introduction, Conclusions, and Titles handout.

We went over semicolon usage. The instructor showed a Powerpoint and we wrote sentences at certain breaks in the presentation.

Next class:

Read Langan and write the conclusion.


The instructor returned the Pt 3s with comments. Students looked over their comments and clarified any they did not understand with the instructor.

A handout on introductions, conclusions, and titles was distributed and from that we worked on writing a funnel opening. Students wrote their thesis statement and worked upward toward the most general statement, which will be the opening statement.

The instructor helped some students refine their thesis statements.

Students are to write their funnel opening and bring it to the next class.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Comm 128 What Happened in Class

We did peer readings and commentary on each other's papers. Each paper received two readings. The quality of student comments is taken into effect in final grading.

While students did the reading the instructor looked over notebooks and issued grades.

Students turned in their theory paper. Next week (last week) the "I Am" papers will be returned along with the media theory papers.

After the peer readings, we did an experiential learning exercise where students evaluated communication in the workplace. The instructor handed out the "Supportive and Defensive Climate Reflection Worksheet." She explained to students how to answer it. After doing the reflections, students convened to small groups to discuss the communication. They were to focus on the following parameters:

Strategy vs. spontaneity
Dogmatism vs. flexibility
Control vs. collaboration
Evaluation vs. description
Detachment vs. empathy
Superiority vs. equality

Next week:

Last class.
Three-minute theory presentation from your paper
Notebooks checked in during the last half of class
Two papers returned

Writing101-02 Tues.-Thus. What Happened in Class

Assignment sheet will be posted here Wed. a.m.


Tierra: Free Verse/ Flora Launa/" "
Nida: Renga/"The Old Cathedral"/Sanders, Gross, Tebo, Mills
Tyesha: will advise today
Kyle: Ekphrasis/Suzanne Bruce/"Invisible"
Ebony: Found poems/David Austin
Brian: Walt Whitman "A Woman Awaits for Me"
Bernard: Anaphora/
Carlos: Gilgamesh
Ronald: Ode/Percy Sherry/"The Indian Serenade"
Saudia: Blues/Langston Hughes/"The Weary Blues"
Salome: Rondeau/Paul Laurence Dunbar/"We Wear the Mask"
Sam: Dramatic Monologue/Shakespeare/Julius Ceasar
Aya: Prose
Carolyn: Sonnet/Browning/My Letters All Dead Paper Mute and White
Arielle: Chance operations/Jackson Macklow/A Feather Likeness of the Justice Chair
Atim: Epigram/John Dryden/Here lies my wife....

Presenting Thursday:


2415 Group Comm What Happened in Class


We listened to student presentations of concepts from the last chapters. We will do the same at the next class.


The instructor went over what will be happening in the last few days of the class and who will be presenting on what days. Ursula asked about the evaluation of the final presentations, and the instructor said it would be based on the assignment as such:

How clearly was the concept explained?
1234 (4 is high)
How effectively did the team/student use the software to present the concept?
Presentation skills
Paperwork backup: outline, Reference page for anything outside the text
Small groups:
In addition to the above, does the group show they have effectively used the concepts learned to date in this class?

Next we went on to reviewing the personality type material. We reviewed the types and then broke into small groups to discuss introversion and extroversion.

Next class: presentations by Victoria, Anthony's problem-solving group, Adriana, Vincent, and Emily.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Public Speaking 129 Fri. evening

The instructor returned the "bad apple" papers and talked about the last question, which few students answered correctly.

Next we reviewed dates for the end of the semester and what happened in the last class.

The instructor handed out the worksheet for the class exercise, which was called "Sell Me Something." With this exercise, each person has 30-60 seconds to sell a product that they have with them and that they find indispensable. The objective was to gain experience working through the "motivated sequence" in a classroom situation.

Students delivered a 30-60-second speech using the sequence.

Next class:

persuasive speeches

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

End-of-Semester Dates (All Classes)

Last day of class:

1402: May 8
2415: May 8
128: May 5
102 TThu: May 7
102 MWF: May 11
129 Fri: May 8

Due Dates:

2415: May 1, 5, & 8th Final Assignment Presentation Dates

128 Comm Theory/Film paper due April 28.
Notebook checks

128 Comm 3" presentations on May 5
Notebook checks

102 TTh final research paper due April 30

102 TTh final research paper returned May 7

102 MWF final research paper due May 11; return date is day of final. Pick up paper only (no final exam).

1402: Presentations each day until the end of class.

Comm 128 What Happened in Class

The instructor gave the students an in-class field trip assignment. Students were to watch for nonverbal communication in three designated areas of the campus. First the instructor went through the worksheet. Next the class watched a video that demonstrated many of the areas that were mentioned on the worksheet. After the video, we looked up any areas not covered in the video.

Students then went out on their field trip with their partners. In class, we discussed the various questions and what students saw on their field trips.

Next we worked on Chapter 10 vocabulary terms.

Duplicates of some of the "I Am" papers were collected.

Next class:

Turn in Theory/Film paper
Prepare for brief 3" explanation, scheduled for May 5
Notebook checks

102 What Happened in Class Tues-Thurs

We went over semicolon usage. First the instructor passed out a rules handout with examples. Next was a worksheet with sentences needing semicolons. We applied and cited the rule for about the first third of the sentences.

The instructor returned Pts 1, 2, and 3.

Next class: semicolon work. Poetry choice: say what poem and author you have chosen.

The instructor distributed the grading points breakdown for the research paper. We went over it in class. Then the instructor distributed a rough draft to each student that turned in a research paper. The students were asked to do a peer reading and use the grading sheet as a guide. In addition, students were asked to suggest subheads for their colleagues.

In addition, we added a few more students and poetry genres to our list.

Next class:

Read about your poetry genre by first entering the genre and "wiki." Leads for poets.

Then go to the LION database and enter your poet's name.

Google the genre, poet, and poem.

Explication: at links on left side of blog page. Once you've chosen your poem, do the explication. By next Tuesday you must be able to say what poem and author. Note: Poetry assignment sheet is under "Links" at left.

1402 What Happened in Class


We listened to informative speeches.

Next class: two informative speeches and then persuasive speeches.

Be sure to keep up with outlines, as we will be checking them in the first day we have a little extra time. Always bring your outlines to class.


The instructor handed back papers.

Next we listened to informative speeches.

At the end of class, we added several persuasive speech topics to the list.

What Happened in Class 2415


May 1:

Anthony & group

May 5:


May 8:

Theo & group
Ursula & group (20")


Students met with each other to plan their group presentation or to consult with others about software.

While the students met, the instructor evaluated and graded notebooks.

Next week:

Work with personality profiles.


The instructor handed out the assignment sheet for the next and last project of class (it was posted here on Friday. See Links section). We went over the assignment sheet. If you didn't get a copy, it is available by going to last week's blog post.

Next we had the last of the student presentations, which were on group think.

After the presentations, we broke down the chapter material for the upcoming presentations, which will start April 27 and go through the conclusion of class.


Small groups:

Ursula, Bruce & Ismael: conflict
Anthony, Vincent & Brendan: effective problem solving
Theo, Dagmara, Nneka: planning for meetings, developing the group.

Individual multimedia projects:

Victoria: collaboration
Vincent: problem characteristics
Roberto: effective group decision-making

Kayla: positive & negative outcomes of conflict
When negotiation fails: alternative procedures

Scott: competition

Chris: basic approaches to conflict management
Leader as completer

Denyce: accommodation

Adriana: organizing problem solving discussions

Next class:

Small groups will work together. Individual projects will be grouped by software.

Bring notebooks on Friday, as the instructor will grade your notebook while you are working in the small group.

Notebook grade: The best grades are given for neatness, thoroughness, and organizational skills. Consult the handout given to you at the beginning of class.


Monday, April 20, 2009

What Happened In Class 102 MWF


The instructor returned Pts 1 & 2. Students had time to look over the corrections.

Next we started work on titles. We read an article on academic title writing.

Next class: Turn in Pt 3. Transitions.
Wednesday: Writing intros, conclusions, and titles
Friday: The Importance of Titles Powerpoint.


Today was the day Pt 1 & 2 were due, along with the Works Cited. The instructor picked up the papers and will return them on Friday.

Next we worked on apostrophes. The instructor showed the class a Powerpoint and the class worked along with the presentation to practice the rules. We will finish this presentation at the next class.

Bring Langan to the next class so we can catch up on chapter check-ins. In addition, we will do notebook checks at the Friday class.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Public Speaking 129, What Happened in Class

Students told what their persuasive speech topic selection was:

Keltha: legalizing drugs
Alonso: trans-fatty acids
Koffi: prison industry
Jorge: guns
Cherrie: healthier eating
Constance: asparatame
Jonathan: dangers of driving a motorcycle
Yasmine: animal communication
Joan: ALS
Parisa: cholesterol
Sherry: wash your hands!
Gregg: U.S. should put more money into infrastructure
Joe: buy environmentally friendly fabrics (not cotton)
Ana: desensitized soldiers
Elisangela: how agricultural practices waste water

The instructor talked about how Powerpoint is misused and then told students the most effective way to use it. She told about visuals and how to select pictures (dpi), pixelation, how to choose photos, public domain imagery, and how to put the pictures in the program. Also, she showed how to get new templates and clip art for use in speeches.

We then discussed the use of the camera in cell phones for pictures. Alonso told students how to take such pictures and send them to their computer via e-mail.

After the lecture, everyone went to the computer lab to try out some of the techniques.

Persuasive outlines will be due next week and the speeches will be presented during the last two weeks of the class, May 1 and 8.

Attn: Friday afternoon and evening students

It is looking like I will be able to make it, so barring an unforeseen difficulty, I will see you in class sometime around 6:30 p.m.

I had a car problem when I attempted to leave the Kean campus at around 1:30 p.m.

It is too late to warn the 102 students but students in 129 should be aware that I might be late for class tonight. Please stay, as it does look likely that I will make it. To be on the safe side, take an extra half an hour and try to arrive around 6:30 p.m. I will keep you updated via this blog and I am now going to try to get an email out. I have no access to a phone at the moment.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

102 What Happened in Class Tues-Thurs

We learned how to do titles. The instructor gave a Powerpoint lecture on headline and title writing.

Next we discussed the poetry assignment and students chose their poetry genre:

Kyle: ekphrasis
Omar: ballad
Saudia: blues poetry
Carlos: epic
Nida: renga
Carolyn: sonnet
Ebony: found poems
Aya: prose
Ronald: ode
Sam: dramatic monologue
Vanessa: abecedarian
Arielle: chance operations
Atim: epigram
Salome: rondeau

If you have not chosen your genre, please do so at:

Go to "Forms & Techniques."


We went over a handout on Introductions, Conclusions, and Titles.

Next class:


1402 Speech: What Happened in Class

Students presented their thoughts on the credibility of the web site they selected.

Speeches begin on Friday. The instructor reminded students that to qualify for an "A," the speech outline must be submitted three days in advance.

Next class:

Informative speech presentations

2415 Group Communication What Happened in Class

Note: A rough draft of the final communications assignment has been posted and is available for download. We will go over this assignment in class next Tuesday. If you have the time, however, you may wish to investigate some of the software associated with this project. Also, it should be noted that the software from Windows is available on the university's computers.


More student presentations were delivered today. On Monday, we will have three about groupthink.

Students are cautioned not to read their presentation and to speak from key words.

Next week students will be given the last assignment for the class. At our next class we will have the groupthink presentations and then the assignment.


We listened to student presentations. The instructor will get the assignment ready for the next and last assignment and we will discuss it on Friday.

Students should make their choice of material with which they want to work and be prepared to commit to it on Friday.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Writing 102-MWF What Happened in Class


Students received Point 1 back from the instructor and she delivered comments about what to do and not to do. Example: eliminate cliches like "today's society." Write in first and third persons.

After getting the papers back, students were reminded the next point is due on Monday.

Next a few more students gave their web site evaluations.

Next class:

For Monday, be working on making changes to Pt. 1, which is to be turned in with Pt 2. Pt. 1 must have all changes recommended by the instructor. A Works Cited is also required for Monday's submission.

Work on chapters in Langan.


The instructor handed out a nongraded quiz for the DVD. We answered the questions and then went over the answers in class. Students are to put this quiz in the "Quiz" section of the notebook.

Next the instructor handed back papers and students handed in their Point 1 of the research paper. The instructor said she would read them right after class and students could pick them up from her mailbox at the Faculty Lounge, located near the registration office.

Next we went over the "critical thinking about websites" project that we worked on for the last two sessions. Four students presented their websites and we compared their critiques with those in the book "Consider the Source."

Next class:

Write Point 2
Instructor will return Point 1
Be prepared to present your web site and its rating (as seen by you) at the next class.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Writing 102 MWF What Happened in Class

We continued to work on our web site critiques. The instructor gave out a second questionnaire which asked students to determine between fact and opinion. The handout is available for those who did not get finished at the lab.

Students should finish this worksheet and be prepared to talk about their site in class.

Instructions for Judging Fact vs. Opinion:

a) download the handout and read it
b) at the bottom of the handout is a link to "think tank" sites. Go to the link and choose a site to evaluate. You may also choose one of the sites listed below (World Net Daily, etc.).
c) evaluate the site using the worksheet questions by typing in your answers under each question.

In addition to the sites at the link on the worksheet, students can choose these sites to evaluate:

World Net Daily, particularly any articles by Jerome Corsi (enter writer's name in site's search engine)
The Heritage Foundation, particularly any articles by Bill Schneider (enter writer's name in site's search engine), particularly articles by Bill Schneider (enter writer's name in search engine, but be sure you search the CNN site and not the Internet as a whole)
The Hudson Institute

At our next class, we will go over some of the web sites and students will critique their credibility. Each of the evaluations is worth 3 points and the finished evaluations should be put in your student notebook.

There is also a quiz about what you recall from the Outfoxed DVD. This is not graded, however, and is intended only to summarize the points of the DVD.

In addition, the instructor checked chapters in Langan and entered credit for them in the gradebook.

for Brieri:

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Comm 128 What Happened in Class

We went over a handout on the Myers Brigg and personality types. We talked about the various types. Students then took the a version of the Myers Briggs called "The Personality Explorer." As a comparison, they took another profile.

After taking the profile, students were divided into groups based on the "E" or "I" part of their four-letter type. The instructor passed out a handout and gave the students time to discuss the questions. After the group discussions, where students had time to compare, the instructor went around the room and each group talked about their answers to some of the questions.

Next week:

Chapter 10, Relationships
Watch a video or two on nonverbal communication
Nonverbal communication field trip assignment

Writing101-02 Tues.-Thus. What Happened in Class


First we did the drama quiz and corrected the nine questions in class.
Next the instructor returned Points 1, 2, and 3 of the research paper. She gave students time to review the corrections and make sure they could understand the handwriting and correction symbols.
Preparing students for the next step of the paper, she handed out a two-page worksheet on transitions. Transitions were on the second page and on the first page was a paragraph that needed to be edited and to which transitions needed to be added. Students edited the paragraph and added transitions and we looked at a few of the examples in class.

Assignment for Tuesday: go over the paper and edit and make corrections. Add transitions so that the body of the paper reads seamlessly. Highlight your new transitions with a highlighter or circle them. You will receive one point for each new transition that you add.
According to our research timetable, the intro is to be done for the 14th. Instead, however, write your transitions (above) and conclusion. The instructor will cover intros and titles in class in the coming week.
Langan: Do Ch. 37 & 38, “The Apostrophe,” and “Quotation Marks.” Review 93-95, “concluding paragraphs.”


We did some exercises with the apostrophe. The instructor had a Powerpoint for this part of the class and we did sample sentences for each rule covered.

Next students presented their web site analysis and we discussed the credibility of the sites.

Next class:

papers returned
drama quiz
Greek theater .ppt

1402 What Happened in Class

Note: Due to Good Friday, this will be our only class meeting this week.

Also: April 17, 21, and 24 are the next speaking dates (informative speech). Students must submit their outlines to the instructor via e-mail. Please allow a minimum of three-days turnaround time for input.

Chapter Check-in

New Assignment:

Critical thinking and evaluation of web sites (as a source for speeches). She showed the students a link to questions and said they would copy and paste the material into a Word doc. She showed the link for the sites to be evaluated and asked students to visit them before the next class. The links are: Questions Links of Sites to Evaluate (Note: on the latter site, go to "Consider the Source" section.)

What to do:
a) go to the site and evaluate it according to the questions, making notes while you do so
b) read at least four articles at the site before you make your judgments
c) come prepared to show your site and comment at the next class
d) you will be asked to rate the credibility of your site on a 1-5 basis, with 5 being high
e) you must provide specific examples of what you say about the site. For example, if you say the site is biased, you must show us why you think so

2415 Group Communication What Happened in Class

Note: This is our only class this week, due to Good Friday.


We chose topics for the three-four minutes speeches which start next Tuesday.

Five people volunteered to go in this order:


After that the instructor will call on students.

Steve: Conjunctive & disjunctive tasks
Nneka: Decision making by leader in consultation w/members p 318
Dagmara: Decision-making by consensus
Theo: Majority vote
Scott: Phasic progression
Victoria: Fisher's Model of Group Phases
Bruce: What can go wrong in decision making
Denyce: Group polarization/Social Comparison Theory
Justine: Group polarization/Persuasive Arguments Theory (PAT)
Groupthink: Roberto/ theory
Groupthink: Nicole/ symptoms
Groupthink: Adriana/ preventing
Diane: RISK Technique
Anthony: PERT
Brenden & Emily: Problem characteristics
Ismael: Group Support system
Ursula: teleconferences

After choosing the topics, we did some work with terms from Ch. 10

The instructor then handed out the No Angels assignment and we discussed it in class.

Next class:

come prepared for your text explanation

--one source from academic database
--one graphic (A)
--Outline with intext cite