The instructor announced a project on critical thinking and evaluation of web sites (as a source for research papers). She showed the students a link to questions and said they would copy and paste the material into a Word doc at the computer lab next Monday. She showed the link for the sites to be evaluated and asked students to visit them over the weekend and announce their choice of site on Monday.
The links are: Questions Links of Sites to Evaluate
(Note: on the latter site, go to "Consider the Source" section.)
The instructor reminded students to have their computer passwords working so they could access the computers next week. Students were to go directly to the library if they had any doubt their passwords would not get them into the system.
In addition, she reminded them that the chapter questions in Langan will be checked next Wednesday.
During class we watched a video on Fox News and how they produce the news.
Next week:
The instructor assigned Chapter 6 in Lester.
Continue working on Langan chapters.
We corrected the internal text citations and the Works Cited page. The instructor took the papers to record the points and they will be returned to students sometime this week.
Langan has to be current to Chapter 12 by next Wednesday. On that date, we will go to the computer lab where students will do a critical thinking project and the instructor will check the chapters.
Next class: Work on Langan chapters.
Students turned in the first part of their file assignment. This assignment was designed to get students to set up their files for the research paper correctly and also to demonstrate that they know how to do in-text citations. We looked at a few examples on the overhead document cam.
The instructor then passed out the second part of the assignment, which was the Works Cited page. Students used MLA style guides to begin writing their Works Cited page.
Next class:
Bring Works Cited page, alphabetized, typed and in the format that was on the handout distributed in class.
Continue working on Langan chapters.