Saturday, January 26, 2008

Sat., Jan. 26 Writing 102

What we did in our first class:
Went over syllabus
Read over topics and students are to get five sources for next week
Showed instructor blog and links
Went over books

To do for next class:

a) put notebook together with dividers and labels per handout in syllabus
b) choose a topic and advise the instructor via email. Subject heading: Topic selection/Student name/Which class (Sat or T/Th)
c) get five sources pertaining to topic. Read and annotate them. Be prepared to write abstract for one or two of them in class next week.
d) watch blog to see if books are in. Buy Hacker at bookstore and read 101-105, which will help on defining research paper question
e) read half of poetry chapter (located at blog). Read explication page (also at blog)

Next class:
Entire session in lab:

Students show notebook upon signing in. Get grade (30 points for entire notebook together)

1) librarian explains citation systems
2) I do session on Annotated Bibliography and abstracts
3) Worksheet on Google news alerts
5) Explain assignments:
annotated bibliography
poetry (genre selection)

They will have copies of their research and we will spend time writing and documenting in the second hour. Fifteen minutes for writing abstracts and fifteen for NoodleBib.

Last hour: setting up news alerts, etc. Give them definition of terms
Revise poetry assignment sheet.