Fri., Oct. 2, 2014
Workbooks were checked in. We tried a new system online that the instructor devised, but it didn't work, so back to the drawing board.
The instructor stressed to students to read the assignment sheet, as there is an additional assignment beyond reading Ch. 5.
On Monday, however, we will still be working a bit from the fourth chapter. We will be discussing the techniques for communication and handling emotions. We will also cover a portion of Ch. 1.
Wed., Oct. 1, 2014
The instructor showed students how to figure their attendance grade.
We watched the film clips for terms applicable to Ch. 4.
The instructor told students we will check in workbooks on Friday. We will also do an experiential learning exercise.
Mon., Sept. 29, 2014
We started the chapter on experiencing and expressing emotions. Using a .ppt, the instructor spoke about emotions, moods, and the criteria for what research says is necessary for a happy life.
There were two handouts. One was a list of emotions. The other was the five-step technique for telling someone when you are trouble by their behavior or when they do something that causes a problem for you.