Thursday, April 3
It is month-end for March and time to go over the monthly grades. Students should have their form with them (previously distributed at the end of February) and the instructor will go over what assignments she has, the grades, and the attendance records.
New policy: if your attendance was not recorded because you were late, make photocopies of your notes and submit them to the instructor at a future class. Then start remembering to make sure you are marked in after class.
In the other half of the class, we will discuss the rubric for grading of the elevator speech. Any additional time will be used for practice.
Elevator Speech Evaluation Student:
1-5, 5 being high
1. Did the speaker sound conversational and
2. Was the speaker warm, friendly, confident, and
3. Was the speaking pace slow enough to
understand the important points?
4. Eye contact:
5. Was there an impression that the speaker was
passionate about what he/her does?
6. Was the message clear and specific?
7. Did the message have a target? Yes/no
8. Evaluator’s understanding of what the
speaker’s desired outcome was:
9. How
apparent was it that the speech was practiced?
10. Did the
speaker say what contribution he/she could make? Yes/no
Tuesday, April 1
We watched examples of elevator speeches. Students used the other half of the class to either practice or refine their brief outlines for the 30-60 second speech.
We also discussed additional speaking assignments that will be helpful to students in their careers. Dominique suggested job interviewing and most other students indicated this also might be helpful to them. The instructor will make up a role play assignment.