Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Social Advocacy

Pitch a Story to a Journalist assignment

Small group meetings to discuss who will take what part of the assignment and who will contact which newspapers

Amiri Baraka and other social activist artists.

To Do for Next Class:

Prepare for speech (next week).

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Advertising 2-3:15, Tues-Thurs

Market Research Presentations



Social Advocacy 11-12:15

Examples 3-minute speeches.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Advertising 2-315, Tues-Thurs

Return commercial concepts/scripts

Tutorial for Excel pie chart.

Reading check for radio chapter.

Discuss jobs fair going on today.  Graphic arts job.

Monday, April 15, 2013

ENG 102 Sat. 9-12:15

We attended "A Winter's Tale."

Link to assignment sheet for drama paper. Rough draft is due next week.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Comm 128 7:10-10 p.m.

Conflict and power

Experiential exercises & worksheets

Public Speaking

Convert full-sentence outline to key word outline and put on index cards
Practice speech


bring advertising 30-second spot and work on USP
look at commercials from previous classes
reading check for Ch. 10


Look at:

previous semester commercials:

View "Go Behind the Scenes of Today Takes Action

Social Advocacy 11-12:15


 Saul Alinksy DVD and .ppt

Reading questions for Kush chapters

 Due dates for current projects:
Thursday April 18th- letters to our representative due

Thursday April 18th- outlines for 3minute speech due

We held our April 9 class outside because the weather was so nice:

Link to larger picture size.


go over keywords
nuclear nebraska reading check
go over speech assignment/monroe motivated sequence
Review a few phone calls
hand back grades for obama letter

Saturday, April 6, 2013

ENG102 Saturday 9-12:15

Shakespeare in Jersey City page
Read A Winter's Tale online
No Fear Shakespeare (reading this is mandatory)

Drama Paper:
We are seeing "The Winter's Tale" instead of having a class session, so go to the play in Jersey City for next week's class. Try to be there 15" early so you do not walk in after the play has started. The play starts at 3p.m. on April 13.
The writing assignment will be posted here, mailed to you, and distributed at the play.
Read the remaining drama terms so you will recognize them when they happen in the play. In addition, we will do terms Q-Z at the next class.
The writing assignment will be due at the following class, April 20.
Grammar and Usage:
We worked on hyphens and students turned in a hyphen worksheet.
"Staying Consistent with Person" exercises were handed out. They will be due at the
April 20 class.
Research Paper:
The instructor will return Pt. 3 either at the play or the following class.At the April 20 class, we will knit the three sections of the paper together with transitions and write an introduction and a conclusion. The student will then take the paper and put it in final form and turn it in. At the May 4 class, students should have a digital version available as we will be converting the citation system to APA.
Poetry papers:  Gather the additional materials needed for your roundtable (example: picture of poet), as we will be presenting them the last few weeks of class. The last day of class is May 11.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


Market research survey comments:


The program numbers for you, so you can take out your number.

1. I think that will depend on the product. How about rewriting it to read it within the context of what your product or service is. 

5. How about "member of the opposite sex" or "romantic interest"

6. Don't need to cap "bathroom"


I would group 1 & 2 with the demographic questions at the end.

Stop 'n Shop


I would get rid of Q. 10 and just give the survey to women.

Ask them if they have ever heard of "cold cream."


dorm expeNse  typo

1. should be at the end, use stdrd age breakdowns

3. Do you "live in the dorm..."

4. Phrased awkwardly. Smooth it out. Not sure this is a relevant question.

6. second option need punctuation

7. proofread. Provide the major choices, then leave an "other" box for the rest

8. streamline the question

9. first two need punctuation

10. rephrase. "By what age...

You have to cap the first letter of every question.


1. Proofread #1

3. Be consistent with use of caps in your responses

4. Put "flavorless" at the end

8. Get the major brands and make them check off

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Social Advocacy 11-12:15


Today we made calls to the legislative offices. Students paired up and made their call about a bill while their partner recorded. The instructor will review the calls, which were sent to her via email with the subject line heading "phone."  We will devote time in class to this experience.

In addition, we set the dates for the three-minute speech. The dates are:

Outline due:  3/18
Speeches:  3/23 & 25

There will be a reading check next week for Nuclear Nebraska up to and including Ch. 8.

To Do for Next Class:  Read Kush, "Vote," and Contribute to Candidates (121, 131). Read Ch. 8 Nuclear Nebraska, Ch. 8.


Two assignments were handed out today.  The first, the phone call to the representative, will take place on Thursday. Students will record each other's calls on their cell phone and post the mp3 for the instructor to grade. Page to post.

The other assignment sheet that was handed out was the "Three-Minute Speech."