Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Advertising 3765 2-3:15

Thursday, 2/7

Grading scale for RD of layouts:


Here's the link to the explanation I gave in class about the layout sequence.

Reading check

Return layouts

Tower sales groups meet and discuss layouts using chapter on Ideas, etc. to generate ideas. Sketch out ads, discuss with professor.

Next week's reading:

Ch. 4 Fact-finding


Students handed in their layouts.

The instructor returned feedback sheets on the two different ways ads are laid out. She said she should have put more emphasis on the stage at which the layouts are done. First the account executive roughs out an ad and then after it is approved, it moves on in the production process to the graphic designer. She went over an explanation which will be posted at this blog later.

We briefly discussed the need for a computer lab session(s) and the students told the instrutor about two labs in the CAS building that she will check out. One is on the 2nd floor and one on the first.

The purpose for the lab sessions is to show students how layers work and to show them how color files are prepared for the printer. This is the first year we have had color at The Tower.

We discussed reading checks and we will have one reading check on Ch. 1 this Thursday.

We switched the reading around. This week the instructor asked students to focus on chapters 6 & 7 ("Ideas" is one of the chapter titles) instead of 9 & 14, which are on the reading schedule. The reason is that we want to be able to sketch out some ad ideas for potential clients.

The media kit with rates will be ready on Thursday, so that is the first item of business at our next class session.

for Tuesday's class:

Graphic file formats

Highlights of current chapters from text (1, 2, 3)

Chapter that will help coming up with ad concepts

Discussion of need for lab session:  layers and color