Monday, January 28, 2013

Comm 128, Tues., 7:10-10 p.m.

Review techniques for remembering names.

Ch. 1 key concepts

Obama and interpersonal communication techniques

Exercise/Ch. 1 concepts

Social Advocacy T-Thu, 11-12:15


Log in book receipts w/attendance
Read letters to editor, op-ed pieces, and stories generated by instructor's quiet campaign in Montclair
Small group meetings

Next week:

student .ppt presentations and draw conclusions about social media/social advocacy
Next week's reading assignment is Ch. 1 in both books

We did some introductions but have a few remaining as one student is missing and another dropped the class. We have four-five new students and they were paired up for introductions.

The link below has been updated and now works.  It is a link to a folder and all the articles are in the folder.

Social media and change readings and assignment

Social Media Basis of Youth Protest Behavior/Chile 12 pages

Occupy Wall Street journal article

Social Protest and Social Media U.S.

Social Protest and Social Media Global


Social Media-U.S.


Social Media-Global


Journal article-Chile\
Rob W

Journal article-Occupy


Social Media Companies


Advertising 3765, T-Thu, 2-3:15


We will learn how to lay out ads for print. Students are supposed to bring 3 ads. The instructor will provide examples of layouts from previous classwork

Reading for next week is Ch. 2. Also, if you are just getting the book, read Ch. 1 on creativity.

Lee Burrell will talk to the class about The Tower.

Note to Lee:  commercial still on youtube?

We will finish introductions.

We will form pairs to work in ad sales teams.

VW ad/Jamaican  commercial controversy.

On Thursday, the instructor will show students what newspaper ad layouts look like.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

ENG102-Sat. 9-12:15

Febr. 2 class:

Bring ideas for your research paper. If you don't have any, it's OK. The instructor will be providing a list of topics. There is a section of topics for people in the nursing program.

Buy the book and bring the receipt. Students whose receipt is dated by 1/27/2013 will get 25 class participation points.

Read Ch. 1 in Lester if you have the book. You will not be held responsible for the material until the
Feb. 9 class, however.

What we did in the Jan. 26 class:

We went directly to the lab and read the syllabus in class. The instructor showed students how to format their pages using MLA style.

In the latter third of the class, students did a writing sample. The writing sample will be used to identify student writing problems and at the end of the class, it will serve as a benchmark for how much the student has progressed.

Next week you will receive the reading schedule.

Links provided in class:

Link to Syllabus

Shakespeare production we will be seeing in April

Nat'l Academy of Poets web site


Coursesmart (to purchase a book to use on your Nook, computer, etc.)

Friday, January 25, 2013

Advertising 3765 2-3:15 p.m. T-Th

 Activity for next week: 

Finish paired introductions
Ch. 1 on creativity--instructor will discuss major points using .ppt
Learn how to do an ad layout for print
Meet editor from The Tower and support people from Comm office for newspaper advertising placement


Book ordering information. Highlighted is least expensive text that is OK to use for the course.

Course Resources

Course Websites

·       Instructor’s blog:
·       Students should read The Tower (campus newspaper) and listen to campus radio as both will be part of the class.

Required Course Text

·       Drewniany, B.L and Jewler J. (2007 or 2008), Ninth or tenth edition. Creative Strategy in Advertising. Thompson\ Wadsworth.  ISBN 0495095699 (9th) or  ISBN 1439082707 (10th).  11th:  1285080289.
·       The instructor may require an additional copywriting text.
·       Some books and other resources may be put on reserve at the library.
·       Articles will be posted the instructor’s blog.

Course Supplies

USB drive for storage of large images—2 gb sufficient.

 Reading schedule link.


We started with paired introductions, but we did not finish them. We will finish them at our next class. 


We read the syllabus.

Social Advocacy T-Th, 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m.

 Next class:

Finish introductions
Instructor introduction
Social media and social protest

Syllabus for Spring 2013 Social Advocacy

Reading schedule (handed out hard copy in class).


We did paired introductions.


We went over the syllabus and the instructor talked about her experience with social movements.