Monday, February 7, 2011

Advertising 3765 Mon-Wed


We discussed the upcoming television commercial assignment. The instructor answered questions and told students that they will need to experiment with shots (pan, tilt up/down, etc.) and software. She discussed the various software that could meet the needs of students who are doing this commercial.

We watched the remaining Superbowl commercials.


Read Ch. 6, "Ideas", p. 111, 10th ed.,  p. 128, 9th ed.
Think about a product for your television ad
If you don't have a camera, locate one for use for your commercial
Be prepared for a five-question class participation point quiz on Chapters 1 and 10.

We watched Superbowl 2011 commercials.
The instructor asked students to review a page in the text about camera shots and observe how these shots were made in the Superbowl commercials. Students will be using this material when they make their own commercial (due at the end of the semester).

We will finish watching the tape on Wednesday.

The print advertising assignment will be picked up on Wednesday.

Students have until next week to work on their research for their Superbowl commercial/.ppt.