Monday, February 28, 2011

Speech Critical MWF


The instructor returned the reading checks so students would know what their points were.

We started on writing the outline.

For next class
Post today's outline for informative speech at Blackboard
Read Ch 5, 1st half
Continue to work on "I Am."  Add dialogue.

Expectations 2


We did a reading check on first three chapters. We corrected them in class. The high was 11 CPPs; the low was 5.

While the students were working, the instructor reviewed work from the quotation exercise done on Monday. We also did some of this at the end of class.

The instructor handed out the schedule for doing the informative and persuasive speeches. A copy of this schedule will also be posted at Blackboard.

To Do for Next Class:

Have all research annotated

Write a tentative working thesis statement and bring to Friday's class

Bring book to start preparation of informative outline in class, which is what we will be working on Friday

For Mar. 11:

Continue working on "I Am" paper, making corrections based on what was learned in class

Write the text citation
Posted Tues., Mar. 1:

We are confirmed for our session at the library on March 11. The objective is to learn how to use the library's academic databases. They are different than Google! Here is our confirmation:

Thank you for requesting a library instruction session for your Speech as Critical Thinking class. I will be able to meet with your students on Friday, March 11, from 1:25 to 2:15 pm. The session will take place in the library's computer lab in room L-141B.
Thank you for sending the list of student topics. This information is very helpful.

Mon., Febr. 28

Topics for discussion in today's class:

The instructor returned feedback papers on the topics of self-fulfilling prophecy and attribution error.

She read students their Class Participation Point totals. Students who need extra points can do extra interviews for their "I Am" paper.

She asked students to obtain three sources for their informative speech. Two can be from the Web but they must be credible sources. The other should be a background article from the Encyclopedia Brittanica.

She distributed a worksheet on how to integrate quotes into the "I Am" paper.  Students reviewed their interviews and located a concept in the text that related to them. They wrote a paragraph using the guidelines for putting quotes into the paper.

Discuss any changes in speech topics
Reading check on first three chapters

There was no class on Friday due to the instructor's attendance at a continuing education class.

At the previous Wednesday's class, we chosen informative speech topics at put them on a table. The instructor told students they could have 50 words on an index card for a 5-7" informative speech.

To Do for Next Class:

Finish reading Ch. 4
Begin Ch. 5, first half
Find three sources for the informative speech (not due 'til Fri). Two can be from internet research, but one must be from Encyclopedia Brittanica (background material).

Dates Due:

Three sources (mentioned above) in the form of an MLA Annotated Works Cited. Bring two copies, one for the instructor and one to correct in class. Due Friday, March 4.
"I Am" rough draft will be due Friday, March 4. Students will receive class participation points for coming to class with the RD.
The "I Am" paper final version will be due on Fri., March 11.

The following request was put into the library. Instructor will advise as to which date:

3/11 & 3/21

Research for informative speech with internal text citations, MLA style and MLA Works Cited.

See this link student topic selection:
I want them to know how to access the electronic databases. Tell a little bit about databases that will be helpful to them and then show them how to use the more prominent ones.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Writing 102 Saturday 9-12:15

We worked on thesis statements. Students put their thesis statements on the board or on the computer and we viewed them on the overhead projector. Students helped each other by discussing the topic and offering suggestions on where the statement could go. Supplemental information was added, such as with the topic about Newark or the topic about hospitals.

Students handed in their thesis statements and the instructor is going to read them in the next  few days and post comments at this blog entry.

Next the instructor went over the different parts of the research paper and told students the order in which we will write it.

Toward the end of the class, we worked on poetry genres. Students told their genres and we put them on a table.

To Do for Next Class:

Research paper:
Read Chapters 3 and 4 in Lester
Hand in one page with the working thesis statement followed buy the three points you intend to cover
Write point one of the research paper. 
Instructor will post section of writershelp she wants students to consult. Actually, it turned out to be in Lester. Please consult this area. Do not write an introduction, but do put your thesis at the top of each page. Go to Lester, Chapter 7, "A General, All-Purpose Model." Also see in this chapter, "Advancing Your Ideas and Theories."  Reading this will give you a basic outline for your paper. It will tell you what to write where.
Enter genre on table
Find one background piece on the genre from the databases at the school library. Bring the literary criticism to class.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Public Speaking 129 Friday 6-9

6-6:55   Five-question quizzes on Ch’s 1-3

7-8   Databases at library


Writing 102 T-Th 3:30-5:15


We talked briefly about the scholarly databases.

Next we began a poetry explication. The instructor handed out the explication with spaces for students to write. In addition, she put a copy of the poem "Do Not Go Gentle" on the overhead projector. Students also had a hard copy of the poem with which to work.  We went through the questions as a group. After we were finished, the instructor asked students an random about the answers to the questions. Many students had their own ideas about what the poem meant.  One of our colleagues, Dana, had studied the poem in high school. She is bringing her notes to the next class to discuss.

To Do for Next Class:

Research paper:  find five sources and bring them to class in the form of an Annotated Works Cited. Writershelp has a model of an Annotated Works Cited. Wikipedia may be consulted for leads on research, however no Wikipedia sources may be used in the Annotated Works Cited.  Three sources must be from the library's databases. Each source is worth 2 class participation points (CPP) for a total of 10.

Read Ch. 3 in Lester. Go to the section on thesis statements, and using the model of thesis statements, enthymemes, and hypothesis statements, write a tentative working thesis. Bring two copies for work in class. One CPP.

Note: information on forming the final thesis statement is in Lester, Ch. 7. 

Poetry: Find one source (literary databases) for your poetry genre. Two CPP.

Locate the three poems given to you in class and write one page on how they compare to "Do Not Go Gentle." Check the internet and the three literary databases to find copies of the three poems.


We attended a research presentation on using the academic databases. The presentation was conducted by Susan Bissett.

Speech Critical 1402 Tuesday-Friday

This morning we will be doing informative speech topic selection at Scribbler, a site that offers an online meeting space.

Students should first examine the link to topics. I have also added an additional topics list. It, too, is listed at right. Having reviewed the topics, students should then speak up in the chat room for the topic and if OK'd, enter their name on the topics page. This topics page has been set up for anyone who has the link to be able to enter information.

Student who choose off the "additional topics list" will also have to list their topic on the right hand side.

Please take advantage of the fact that you are at your own computer to check out the research links before committing to the topic.

Students have over the weekend to research their topic. Changes can be made through Monday. After Monday, consider yourself committed to the topic.

To Do for Next Class:

Come to class with five sources on your topic. The sources must be summarized in the form of an Annotated Works Cited. Print out two copies:  one for yourself and one for the instructor. Students who have the assignment will receive one class participation point for each source plus three for having it in MLA form. Use your English style guide to find the correct models for the type of source you have. 

Read the second half of Chapter 4 and be prepared for a class exercise or a five-question quiz on this chapter. There also may be a quiz on Ch's 1-3.

Natural resources symposium should be prepared to present.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Speech Critical Students

Two Blackboard shells have been set up, one for each of the following classes:

COMM*1402 - COMM*1402*22 11-SP
COMM*3675 - COMM*3675*01 11-SP

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

HTML/XHTML Tues., 6-8 p.m.


Students, please note that our Saturday times have been approved by the Continuing Education Department.

We worked on tables. First we went through a .ppt (link below) as a refresher from our last class. Then we started an html shell file and began laying the table html.

We went through the worksheet and completed through Exercise 3. We will finish this at the Saturday sessions which will start March 5 and 12th. They start at 2 p.m. The instructor will verify that we are able to get the room on this post.

The instructor recommended students try the abbr exercise on the bottom of page 65, but use Monday/Mon. after the first Sunday.

 Tuesday, Febr. 22, 2010

Discuss broken image links, p. 52
Troubleshooting techniques

Graphics file quiz

Using images as links, Ch. 4, p. 58


p. 62

Tables .ppt

Speech Critical Tues-Friday

We discussed communication and self-perception, which are covered in Chapters 2 and 3 (previously assigned reading). The instructor used a .ppt to show examples of how our brains "fill in" information.

The instructor scheduled an online Blackboard class for Friday where we will choose our informative speech topics. The class will meet at the same time, but students will sign on from their home PCs. The reason for this change in schedule is that the instructor has a training commitment at 2 p.m.

The instructor checked in "I Am" field reports and we rescheduled the due date for this paper to Tuesday,
 March 1.

The instructor discussed feedback from the group symposium speeches. Students are asked to write a plan for how they will address comments on this speech. The instructor suggested that students who have speech rate or projection as an issue should contact the speech lab.  The e-mail is edgleya@kean.e-d-u (take hyphens out of edu)

To Do for Next Class:

Review the speech topics and read articles that are in the links. The link to the topics is at right. Be prepared to commit to a topic for the informative speech on Friday.

If you have completed your group symposium, write your speech reflection paper (link at right) and submit at Monday's class.

Next Tuesday we will listen to the the natural resources symposium.

Read Chapter 4

Do not be surprised if there are five-question class participation quizzes on Ch's 1-3 at our Friday or Tuesday class.

Writing 102 T-Th 3:30-5:15

The February 22 class is at the library. Go directly to the library and look for the instructor and your colleagues.

Friday, Febr. 17

New students did the writing sample. Students who have been in the class worked on semicolons. The instructor took the students through semicolon usage with a .ppt. Students wrote example sentences along with the .ppt and we looked at their work on the overhead document cam.

Students who were doing the writing sample need to do the .ppt on their own and turn in example sentences this coming Thursday.

To Do for Next Class:

Ch's 1 and 2 in Lester

Saturday, February 19, 2011

To Student Who Wanted to Do Paper on Plastic Surgery

I said no to that one but I've changed my mind if you want to take this angle:

Friday, February 18, 2011

Public Speaking 129

Note:  We are meeting at the library on 2/25 from 7-8 p.m.  I will pass the topic information you gave me at our last class to the librarian.

Integrating quotes into the "I Am" paper

Review topics

Communication and perception .ppt

Outline for informative speech


Read Ch. 4
MLA Annotated Works Cited (8 sources)
Five-question quiz for class participation points on Ch's 1-3
Two more interviews for for "I Am" paper

Speech Critical 1402 Tuesday-Friday


The town budget group delivered their presentation.

To Do for Next Week:

Be sure Ch's 2 and 3 are read
Do "I Am" interviews
Work on speech reaction paper, which is due one week after the presentation

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Writing 102 Tues-Thurs

 Note:  we have a library session scheduled for our next class. Please go directly to the library.  The session is scheduled for February 22 from 3:30-4:30 p.m. I'm not sure what room we'll be in, but you'll see me. It's probably the one directly at the back.

We studied semicolons. The instructor showed a .ppt and students wrote examples sentences. Later the sentences were turned in.

Then the instructor introduced the poetry assignment and showed students the poetry links on the right. Students are to go to and choose a genre or school for their multimedia project for this semester. The instructor will put these choices on a table at the next class.

Some students did writing samples today.

To do for next class:

Accumulate sources for your research paper. Start reading the sources and summarizing them for the upcoming Annotated Works Cited.

Read Ch's 1 and 2 in Lester.

Choose a poetry genre, school, or movement.

Students who were working on the writing sample will have to do the semicolon work in and give their worksheet to the instructor at the next class.

Thursday UCC Classes

I received this notice:

Thursday, April 14, 2011 all classes on all campuses (Day and Evening) are cancelled, due to the Presidential Investiture of  Dr. Margaret McMenamin to Union County College.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

HTML Class

What we will cover at next class:
-alternate text for images
-specifying sizes for images
-images as links

We will also start working on tables. There will be a .ppt on "Basics of Tables."

To do for next class:

-review graphic file images for quiz. This is a quiz for which only you will see the grade.
-research and fill out the worksheet of terms (passed out in class)


Graphic file formats .ppt

Instructions for downloading files from text:

1. Download Ch. 4 from text link (see left)
2. Open and click "save"
3. Make folder called "HTML_Class6"
4. Double click folder and it will soon say "download complete"
5. Click Open Folder
6. Click Extract, then click the "HTML_Class6" folder to open it
Make sure "all files in folder" is clicked
Click Extract
7. Open the Index file

In the section of the class where we work with an option to add an image, if you don't have an image to use, you can download this montage of summer pictures.




James H



Tuesday, Febr.15

Arriving early seems to have worked well, as we were able to get more into this class than previous classes. All students are encouraged to come 10" early so we can be ready to start at 6 p.m.

The first item on the agenda was to address students' ability to reach their server. Consequently, we viewed the Filezilla tutorial.  Prior to watching the tutorial, the instructor told students that the default port for Filezilla (and most other ftp programs) is port 20 and they do not have to fill this in. Once the user has filled in the site manager, "quickconnect" can be used. One student reported being able to use "quickconnect" immediately.

This site may help students with Verizon access.

After working with Filezilla, we discussed making links. The instructor explained what an anchor (a) was. We wrote a link and then students were asked to complete 10 links in their .html file that we created at the last class. The assignment should be uploaded to the server space and the students should email the instructor the link at her comcast address. Use the links put together at the beginning of class and for which the instructor has a copy.

We then did some review of the previous class. The instructor's worksheet gave students the tags they have learned to date. We also discussed the Appendix section of the book, which is a reference for HTML tags and other information needed to write HTML.

There were three exercises:
  1. Making links within a document
  2. Making an e-mail link
  3. Writing tooltips
There was a take-home exercise on the worksheet for writing tooltips.

To Do for Next Class:

Using the model shown in class, add 10 links to the links page. You may want to use an H2 header for the category heading.

Upload the .html page to the server

Send the instructor the link


In many classes, we have discussed Egypt shutting off the Internet. No one knew how long it was shut off, however, so when I saw this story at the NY Times this morning, I thought it worthwhile to post.  Note, you'll probably need to be signed in to read the entire story.  Here's an excerpt:

In a span of minutes just after midnight on Jan. 28, a technologically advanced, densely wired country with more than 20 million people online was essentially severed from the global Internet.

A poster in Cairo called for the return of Internet connectivity after the government shut it down on Feb. 1.

Several turning points helped to bring the people of Tunisia and Egypt, who have long felt abused by their governments, into the streets.   

The blackout was lifted after just five days, and it did not save President Hosni Mubarak.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Public Speaking 129 Students Who Need to Borrow Book

I will be bringing at least two copies to put in my mailbox.  There may be more. I will edit this post if there are.

Update:  The books will be in my mailbox by 5:45. There are two. I have more but I still have to find them. I will put additional books there on Thursday.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Advertising 3765 Mon-Wed


We did two reading quizzes on chapters 1 and 10.

Genna, Cynthia, and Chrissy gave their presentation on Budweiser.

We will do the remaining presentations at the next class.

Check back for a reading assignment and possible reading quiz info.

Students handed in their print ads (coupon).

We discussed the TV commercial assignment. An option for paper/presentation (logos) was discussed.

We did not get to the five-question quiz on Ch's 1 and 10, so we will do this at our next class.

We had a discussion of Valentine's Day marketing:  The class was asked to bring examples and we looked at them on the overhead doc cam.

 To Do for Next Class:

Superbowl Powerpoints

Visual resumes.

 Read Ch. 6, "Ideas", p. 111, 10th ed.,  p. 128, 9th ed.

Speech Critical MWF


The instructor delivered a .ppt on communication and perception. We looked at perceptual anomolies (optical illusions).

We were supposed to check in two interviews for the "I Am" assignment but we ran out of time. One Wednesday there should be four interviews.

To do for next class:

Read half of Ch. 4
Start thinking about informative speech topic
Work on reaction to speech paper
Work on "I Am" paper

The instructor returned outlines and Works Cited from the group presentations.

She asked students to correct their Works Cited. She told them the areas that needed to be corrected, such as margins, type font matching and sizing, etc. Students will have to check their citation guide, however, for the individual citations.

The correct form for the outline will be covered on Wednesday.

Due dates:

The "I Am" Assignment was also discussed. Students received the adjectives in hard copy form (also posted at Links).  Students will receive 2 class participation points for having two interviews done by Friday, February 18. Another two interviews should be completed by Wednesday, February 23 (again, 3 points). The paper is due on Friday, February 25.

February 16 is the due date for the Works Cited revisions and corrections.

The reaction to the group symposium speech rehearsal recording is due on Wed., February 23. 

She gave them the speech evaluation assignment, which is posted at right under "Links."

To do for Next Class:
Revise Works Cited
Be sure Ch. 2 is read.
Be prepared for five-question quiz on all chapters read to date.

Link for "No Jobs," corporate tax rates too high.  If corporate tax rates in the U.S. are too high, then why is the U.S. the number 1 tax haven?

Sunday, February 13, 2011

To All Students Working on the "I Am" Assignment

I have posted the descriptors at right under "I Am Descriptive Words."

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Writing 102 Saturday 9-12:15

Robert M:  please see this link for possible angle for your paper.

Student sentences:

He held on for dear life, as he felt his grasps on the concrete wall slipping inch by inch: then he fell.

His roars of anguish fell on deaf ears as his home burned and crumbled: he knew help would not arrive.

Link to How to Use the Colon Powerpoint presentation

Friday, February 11, 2011

Public Speaking 129, 6-9 p.m.

We chose topics and put them on a table. The table is listed at right under "Links."  Students who do not have their topic listed should put it on the table once they receive approval on their topic from the instructor. The instructor advised that we will be having a session with a librarian who will be showing students how to find information pertinent to their topics. The instructor will be passing along the link to the table to the librarian so she can have the information available for our session, which will be in two weeks.

Two students gave their speeches:  Megan and Andrea. Megan's speech was on how to interpret body language and Andrea spoke on how to organize oneself for a flight. 

We looked at a tape of three public speeches. The instructor handed out a form and we each evaluated the speeches. Organization was one area we looked at, for example, and another was gestures and body language.

The instructor talked about types of communication (mass, interpersonal, intrapersonal, etc.) In addition, she discussed myths of communication.

During the last part of the class, the instructor handed out the "I Am" descriptor words (adjectives). Another layout of the adjectives is posted at right under the Links section. We discussed the assignment and she told students she expected at least four quotes from Chapters 2 and 3 to be incorporated into the paper.

To Do for Next Class:

Obtain at least two interviews for the "I Am" assignment.
Have Chapters 2 and 3 read
Start the research process for the informative speech (topic on table)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Writing 102 Tues-Thurs


We welcomed four new students to the class.

We contributed to a list of what kinds of things we want to know about a person when we first meet them. The instructor then put students in pairs and we did four-minute interviews of each other for purposes of introductions.

The instructor updated the new students on what they needed to do to catch up with the class.

To Do for Next Class:

Read Ch. 2 in Lester
Do all four exercises on run-on sentences under Exercises-->Grammatical at
Look at topics under Links
Read first five pages of "How to Read a Poem," found under Links section of the instructor's blog.
New students need to go through all posts for Writing 102 Tues-Thurs and catch up on the assignments


We did the attendance sheet and welcomed three new students to the class.   The instructor went over the books and other course requirements for new students.

The instructor handed out a writing sample and students worked on it for most of the class.

To Do for Next Class:

We will be doing paired introductions.

Read Ch. 1 in Lester

At writershelp, go to Exercises (upper left) and do the two exercises on Wordiness.  Copy and paste your results and bring to the next class.

Review the topics list for your research paper topic.

HTML Class 3, 4


View Filezilla tutorial:  we will do this next week.

The instructor passed out a worksheet and we worked through the exercises which were:

Adding comments to code
Applying logical formatting
Planning navigation
Structuring web site files
Understanding file paths

Next week we will work on uploading, particularly insofar as Verizon web space is concerned.

To Do for Next Class:

We will watch the filezilla tutorial, so students should download filezilla to their usb drive and also to their own computer.

We will work on our links page, so students should have their links page on the usb drive

Creating links (3 types)

To Do for Next Class

Review some pages we have already read and read new pages:  30-43

 I just received this message from Linda. Here is how to work with the Verizon web space.  Linda writes:

It is explained on the Verizon's 'Personal Web Space'  page that we were on last night - at the bottom under 'Helpful Tools' - under 'FTP Server Information'. 
Essentially I used Filezilla with host name:
After uploading the file, it can be found at:


Complete e-mail list
Go over .ppt for review, have "Anatomy" handy
Create a basic page (p. 18 plus handout)
Upload page (p. 14)

Speech Critical Tues-Friday

We decided on dates for the group presentations:

Febr. 11:  Student interaction

Febr. 15  Healthcare group and town budget group

Febr. 18: Natural disasters and group social networks group

The instructor advised students of some common pitfalls:  not having the speech timed to three minutes, 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Advertising 3765 Mon-Wed


We discussed the upcoming television commercial assignment. The instructor answered questions and told students that they will need to experiment with shots (pan, tilt up/down, etc.) and software. She discussed the various software that could meet the needs of students who are doing this commercial.

We watched the remaining Superbowl commercials.


Read Ch. 6, "Ideas", p. 111, 10th ed.,  p. 128, 9th ed.
Think about a product for your television ad
If you don't have a camera, locate one for use for your commercial
Be prepared for a five-question class participation point quiz on Chapters 1 and 10.

We watched Superbowl 2011 commercials.
The instructor asked students to review a page in the text about camera shots and observe how these shots were made in the Superbowl commercials. Students will be using this material when they make their own commercial (due at the end of the semester).

We will finish watching the tape on Wednesday.

The print advertising assignment will be picked up on Wednesday.

Students have until next week to work on their research for their Superbowl commercial/.ppt.

Speech Critical MWF

We had our first group symposium today, which was on economic inequality.

After the symposium we scheduled two more for the next class. The first symposium must start at 1:25, as we will not have enough time otherwise. Everyone please be sure to arrive on time, and that includes the instructor.

To Do for Next Class:

If your symposium has not yet taken place, you should practice. Be sure you time your practice as you need to achieve 3" of speaking time. Also, make sure you have no more than 30 words on your index card. 

Hand in your Works Cited along with your outline. There is a half-letter grade penalty for no accompanying Works Cited.

Read half of Chapter 3

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Writing 102 Saturday 9-12:15

The Stacks

 Students:  please do a search under "right wing think tanks" (like The Heritage Institute source we saw this morning). Go to the link listed as "rightwing watch." Be very careful about using these sites. Read about who is funding these sites.

We started the class by  doing freewriting in the computer lab.  After about 10" of freewriting, we went to the library where one of librarians showed us the resources:  reference sources, online databases, catalogs, etc.

After the presentation, we went back to the lab where the instructor gave students a quiz about the presentation.

At the conclusion of the class, the instructor took students' homework:  MLA Works Cited, essay revisions, etc. and the in-class work such as the library presentation quiz.

To do for next week:

Topic finding:  if you do not have an approved topic or you wish to refine your topic, do the following:  go to the library and review the periodicals (hard copy) section. Find five topics that interest you. They must be quite specific.  Send the sources by e-mail to the instructor to the Comcast e-mail given to you in class. If you wish to do refine your topic, do the same but look at periodicals specific to your area.

Read the first five pages of the poetry link ("How to Read a Poem").

Read Lester, Ch. 2

If you were to get a tutor and you did not turn in the name, be sure to do so and turn in the name next week.

Be gathering sources for your research topic. You will need 10 sources, annotated, listed in an MLA Works Cited. Some time allowance will be given to students who have not yet selected a topic.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Public Speaking 129, 6-9 p.m.

The instructor showed students examples of a student's outline and parenthetical citation/Works Cited speech. We looked at it on the overhead doc cam.

Next she passed out an MLA citation worksheet. The worksheet was on doing parenthetical citations. After going over the material, there was a brief feedback exercise. We checked the exercise in class and students received class participation points.

Next we discussed the topics list. The instructor explained some of the topics and told the students they could look through magazines and journals at the library. We went to the library and students found ideas. The ideas are to be sent to the instructor by e-mail. Students should list the topics with the one of most interest at the top and the least interest at the bottom.  The instructor will return the e-mail with feedback.

We had two student "how to " speeches by Dennis and Michael.

Finally, the instructor asked students to leave their MLA Works Cited assignment.

New students stayed to get caught up on the class.

To do for next week:

Send instructor the e-mail on informative speech topic choice
Read Chapters 1 & 2
Read the "I Am" assignment from the links at right.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

HTML Class


We welcomed three new students. Students who were in class the previous week handed in their assignment.

The instructor started the class off by introducing the web site that accompanies the book. We downloaded a few html files and extracted them using win-zip.  She also talked about why we need to know html to do web pages.

We went through a .ppt that told about the origins of html and transition to xhtml. We learned the difference between "strict" and "transitional" and also about "frameset." After going through the .ppt, we did an exercise called "Anatomy of a Web page." We learned about the two different parts of a web page and labeled them on the worksheet.

After that we looked at a web page from CNN using "view source."

The instructor had earlier handed out some photocopies from the book. We read through "The Flavors of HTML" through HTML syntax rules.

Tonight's class materials were:

Powerpoint for tonight's class

Worksheet (hard copy):  "Anatomy of a Web Page"

To do for next class:

--bring a USB drive or open a dropbox account
--be sure you have access to web space to upload your pages
--read pages 2-32 from the text

Writing 102 Tues-Thurs

We went through the syllabus and the instructor showed students this blog. In addition, we discussed the books and web sites needed for this class. She asked students to order the materials today.

We decided there will be a regular five-minute break at 4:30-35.

We did some MLA Works Cited exercises at writershelp. We did three questions and will pick up on this exercise at a future class.

Links: (instructor will put in links later)


this blog

Order Lester book and put in above bookmarks

Go to a search engine and type in "writershelp" and sign up for it by going to the link that says to purchase student access on the lower right

To Do for Next Class:

Order books and web site access tonight. Photocopy your order and keep it with your class materials.

Think of a topic you would like to research for your research paper. Please review "topics lists" in the links section of the instructor's blog.

At next class we will do a writing sample and if we have time we will do paired introductions

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Advertising 3765 Mon-Wed

Assignment Sheet for Superbowl project.

We went over the assignment sheet (above). Students who had not yet committed to a task on the Superbowl project paired up with others and will do the Powerpoint (five minutes plus one minute to show the commercial).

We went over (to be finished tomorrow).

Speech Critical 1402 MWF

returned papers
talked about noise/3 types
instructor talked about inter-library loan. Students can get 10 class participation points for using it.
passed out index cards

did intros will continue with others next class


read 2nd half of ch. 1
Come with your outline on an index card, 30 words
Be prepared for quiz on ch. 16  (could happen on Friday)
read the assignment "I Am"
look at informative speech topics

Wed. classes

I am planning on conducting all classes today. I will post here again if there are any problems. With temperatures getting to nearly 40 by early afternoon, driving should be fairly safe.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

HTML Class

I received this message:

Due to inclement weather, Union County College will be closed tonight, 2/1/2011, at 6:30pm.

Sent by Anthony Yang to Union County College (e-mail accounts, Cell phones) through UC First Alert
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Speech Critical 1402 Tuesday-Friday

I was on my way to class when my car skidded and I went into a snow bank. I'm sorry I couldn't be there today. I called the office and asked them to put up a sign.

As far as what's going on with class, I will post again later. Right now I am waiting for the tow truck to come pull me out.

I hope those of you who made it to class are able to make it to your homes safely.