The instructor introduced herself and told about how public speaking helped in her career in corporate marketing.
Next the syllabus was distributed and we read it in class.
We broke the group into pairs and each person interviewed the other for four minutes. Earlier we had made a list on the board of what we like to know about other people when meeting for the first time.
We delivered the paired interviews in class. The instructor taught a technique for remembering names and we practice the technique as each pair completed their introductions.
Next week:
Purchase the textbook (see syllabus). Three points will be given to students who can show they ordered or purchased the book within two days of the class (by Jan. 25). Read Chapter 1.
Get a style guide (APA documentation).
Be researching and thinking about topics for the group symposium and informative speech.
Obtain a three-ring looseleaf notebook. Spiral notebooks with packet dividers are OK but not preferred. Be prepared to show your notebook with category dividers for three points at the next class.
Read the handout, "Quick Guide to Public Speaking."