Updated Saturday a.m., 8:15: Here's a relevant news story about Italy inquiring about storing their nuclear waste in the U.S.:
Let Italy deal with its own nuclear waste, says Utah agency
Of the 20,000 tons of waste that would be allowed by two pending NRC applications, only about 1,600 tons would be destined for disposal at EnergySolutions' Clive facility in Tooele County, according to the company. The remainder would be processed by the company's Bear Creek, Tenn., site.
The letter from the state cited concerns about maintaining storage capacity for domestically produced waste, as well as questioning the tact of a country that has the technology to utilize nuclear power but chooses to send its waste elsewhere.
"We believe that any country that has the technological capability of producing nuclear power within its borders should not seek to dispose of its waste outside them. Development of nuclear power should go hand-in-hand with the development of disposal options," the letter states....
More at link.