Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Writing 101, Wed., April 22, 2015

Wed., April 22, 2015

Topic selection. See topics at links section at right.

Link to put student topic:

--Prepare for hyphen quiz on Fri.

--Person consistency worksheet

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Writing 101 11:45 a.m.

Compare Contrast

Compare and contrast your education experience in high school to that which you have experienced in college. Discuss the difference in how you have to plan your time, the format of college courses vs. that of high school, the difference in high school teachers and college professors, type and amount of feedback given, and other items that we will brainstorm in class.

Minimum one page, double-spaced. Must have a title. Include your outline. Upload to turnitin at the conclusion of class.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Public Speaking 129, 5:40-8:30 p.m.

Wed., April 8, 2015

Class Activities:

1. Discuss final:  Wed., May 6, 5-7:30 p.m.

What we will do for the final is have extra-credit impromptu speeches (3") and do role plays using the five-step process. The role plays are worth 10 points, the same as the paper. Students only do the extra credit if they want to, or feel they need it. We will celebrate Barbara's birthday, as it falls on that date.

Other important dates:

Persuasive speeches will be on April 22 & 29. The grade breakdown is as follows:

Demonstration speech:  10 points
Informative:  25 points

Persuasive:  25 points
Confronting an issue paper/roleplay:  10/10
MLA & APA:  20

2. Return speech evaluations with feedback
  • internal text citations
  • BF
  • block formatting
3.  Monroe Motivated Sequence
  • handout
  • choose topics
  • work through handout with topic and worksheet
4.  Choose persuasive topics

5.  Watch a couple persuasive speeches

Assignment:  read the other half of the persuasive chapter in the book. Bring two copies of the rough draft for the persuasive speech. We will do peer review on them, and the instructor will provide a guide.  In addition, bring five sources, to which you will add three more before the final speech. We will do the APA citations in class on Wednesday.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

ENG 128 Comm Dynamics

5:51 p.m.

Go over papers for the 5-step technique. Explain grammar/usage marks.

Role play for five-step technique.

Nonverbal communication video (20").

Nonverbal communication field trip.