Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Communication Dynamics, 128, Tues., 7:10 p.m.

Mon., March 31, 2015

We will review the feedback papers.

From Chapter 5, we will talk about active listening and do an active listening exercise that involves paraphrasing. We will also do "Now I Hear You, Now I Don't," another listening exercise.

From Chapter 6, we will have a worksheet that will tell the difference between connotation and denotation.

Highlighting key terms:  Film clips on above chapters.

Time permitting, we will read a paper from another class about "In the Bedroom." Discussion.

Writing 101, MWF, 11:45 a.m.

Mon., Mar. 31, 2015

We did a reading exercise using an essay from the text. Students were asked to read several pages of the assigned essay, and write what the most important point of each paragraph was. We then compared notes in class.

After reading a part of the essay, the instructor explained the upcoming assignment, which will be due at turnitin on Thurs., April 9.  We will read rough drafts on Fri., April 10. Students will then take the feedback, revise, and turn in their final essay on Sun., April 12.

The instructor distributed the self-analysis worksheets, which have to do with focus. Students should do primary research on themselves, which consists of tracking interruptions during four one-hour study sessions.

On Wednesday, the instructor will distribute the written assignment sheet for the essay and the writershelp assignment sheets.  In addition, there will be an additional essay to read, "Multitasking..."

On Wednesday, students are to bring in their one-sentence-per-paragraph notes. Students will be given credit for having the assignment read.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Public Speaking 129, 5:40-8:30 p.m.

March 25

Informative speeches tonight

Monday, March 23, 2015

ENG 101 11:45-12:50

Wednesday, March 25

Semicolon  usage:  instructor will deliver .ppt showing students how to use semicolons. Students will then complete two pages of adding semicolons to sentences.  The worksheets will be graded at a future class, and students must attain an 80%. Students scoring lower than 80% will receive a 15-page tutorial with sentences to complete.


Download this document.  Open in Microsoft Word and add the semicolons.  Put your name on it and print it out to turn in to the instructor.

Monday, March 23

1. Narrative/Definition/Exemplification/Classification Essay #1, Due Sunday, midnight, Mar. 22

Discuss working thesis statements

2. Semicolon work

3. Makeup exam date for 2 students for midterm

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Public Speaking 129 Wed., 5:40-8:30 p.m.

--Write Works Cited, based on research brought by students for the informative speech (handout)

--Distribution of evaluation form

--Use of Powerpoint.  Watch "Death by Powerpoint"

--Exercise for looking at audience, not screen

To Do for Next Class:

Come to the March 25 class prepared to present your informative speech. Speech must last 5-7".

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Public Speaking 129, 5:40-8:30 p.m. Wednesday

March 4, 2015

1. Return evaluation sheets

2. Instructor will show example outline for informative speech and show students where to post their topic

3. Listen to remainder of demonstration speeches

Assignment for next week:

Read Ch. 13, "Speaking to Inform," p. 289 +

Post your topic at the Informative Speech page. Instructor approval required.

Bring five sources for your topic. Try to make them a  book, a magazine or journal article, a newspaper source, a TV/radio source, and one web site source.

ENG 101, 11:45-12:50, MWF

 Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Computer lab: 

  1. Make sure the microethnography is posted at turnitin.com
  2. If you've note yet used the writershelp password, try it out during class
  3. Work on comma assignment, per instructions below

Monday. March 2, 2015

We worked on commas. The instructor distributed comma rules and we worked through each rule. In class, each student wrote an example sentence. The instructor asked students to write an additional four  sentences for each rule. Each correct sentence will earn a point; the sentences need to be uploaded to turnitin by March 9.

We also agreed upon the midterm date, which is Friday, March 13