Monday, March 18, 2013

ENG 102 Sat. 9-12:15

We discussed plagiarism and the instructor went through a Powerpoint.

Students handed in their two pages of research paper and their two pages of the poetry explication/criticism paper. The instructor read the papers and returned them while students read two papers which the instructor passed out:  "Good Hair" and "Luck." After reading the papers, the class discussed them.

Students received class participation points for turning in the above two assignments.

To do for next week:

Research paper:  point 2. Turn in both points 1 and 2 with internal text citations and a Works Cited.

Poetry paper:  turn in two pages of the explication combined with literary criticism or research turned up on the literary databases or through other internet research.  Needs internal text citations and a Works Cited.

Drama reading.  Read How Drama Works. There will be a quiz on the contents of this reading.